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Russia Iran Turkey

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  • #16
    That pic was doctored to remove all the watches that the russian soldier had stolen from dead germans


    • #17
      that's true BTW

      the original pic has the russian's wrist full of german watches

      Anyway the russian effort was really awsome.

      I'm not disputing that

      but what are you doing now?

      who ARE you now?


      • #18
        I personally loved and love that pic btw


        • #19
          Anyway I shouldn't be carried away by sentimentality

          Greece was split in the middle be communists on the one side and royalists/fascists on the other
          that's the civil war

          that's in the past. You project very powerful imagery that ignites old passions.

          Greece is a democracy

          Russia is not same as turkey and iran

          a threefold autocratic regime.

          I didn't use the term axis as in nazis but as in enemy


          • #20
            as in democracies stick together and autocracies do the same

            wasn't your ultra nationailist freak dugin that made a surreal analysis how russia was "post orthodox" and so it was ok if it sided with azerbaijan and not armenia


            you're far off the road to asia

            noone wants to deal with you

            mnot even greek communists. and boy, does that say a lot


            • #21
              also what is that "fourth reich" we're allagendly a colony of?

              is it germany? they're less of a ***** than we are

              is it the americans?

              buyllsh!T we're the colony of noone

              we are FREE

              F R E E

              now shove it up your autocratic russian ass and keep licking putin's balls maybe he'll buy you a new lexus

              you're somnething like a latin american dictator lackey

              a piece of sh!t


              • #22
                Ты просто ебаный, тупорылый мудак, Paiktis.
                Гори ты в аду, блядина конченая.

