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Ukranians are the beach and german tanks

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  • Ukranians are the beach and german tanks

    SO I thought I'd skip work and go to the beach becasue you only live once and some people don't even do that.

    And I had parked the car and went to the beach then another car parks very close to mine and two people get out and start operating some machinery, looled like they pumped up some plastic cayaks with air.

    So I keep staring and they stare back and I walk up the cliff and with a smile (always with a smile) I say "hey fellas what's goin on? hope you took care of not busting up my car". so the one just shakes his head "no" and then other in very broken greek says "it's plastic anyway" pointing to the kayak (so it can't do damage)

    _"well alright fellas" I say and leave

    I've heard the language they spoke and it was eastern european (slavic) and I think it sounded russian.

    So They get down and meet up with some other of their compatrioes and go kayak surfing. Also there was a (greek) american family there, so i say nice this beach has turned into yalta.

    Anyway, so I go up the cliff and see another car with ukranian plates. So I say, hmmmmm they're propably ukranian.

    So I get to my car but then the other guy comes to his car. Very polite looking very friendly guy.

    So i say "hey fella, you';re russian or ukranian, cause I heard your language and I though it might be russian but then again maybe it's ukranian"

    and he says invery broekn greek "we're ukranians but we speak russian. it's russian you heard" with a large smile on his face

    I say "oh yeah? beacuse I thought it could be ukranian or smoething"

    he says" no russian. We speak russian!. But we're ukranians I'm from mariupol"

    there I was a bit taken aback because it came to mind the horros of mariupol and I didn't know how to react"

    so I just said "man, yeah mariuopol" but he was unphased just very happy to talk to me

    So I said" you know, mariopol means the city of virgin mary" it was a greek city"

    and he says in broken greek " yes I do know. I know very well"

    well what a bunch of very likeble russian speaking ukranians.

    I gave a glancve of greek friednship and hispotality my self.

    But I think they were with Russia, I havbe that feeling (not saying it's bad)

  • #2
    Oh yeah also our POS PM will send sovietr era tanks to ukraine and we'll get new german ones.

    he jkust forgot to inform us.
    the german PM did.

    hopefully he will bite the political dust very soon, this f disgrace


    • #3
      The German tanks are better than those old Russian tanks.
      “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

      ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
        Oh yeah also our POS PM will send sovietr era tanks to ukraine and we'll get new german ones.

        he jkust forgot to inform us.
        the german PM did.

        hopefully he will bite the political dust very soon, this f disgrace
        What do you dislike about the deal?


        • #5
          Before I went vegan I liked to eat Greek yogurt.


          • #6
            I like lamb yiros


            • Uncle Sparky
              Uncle Sparky commented
              Editing a comment
              I prefer shawarma, but don't tell the Greeks...

          • #7
            Beer tanks


            • #8
              A just one year after the Wole Europe will be so happy about Ukranian beaches on their European beaches, I am sure!!!

              Why didn't you suck their balls, my former sister?


              • #9
                Or you did?


                • #10
                  Russians thinking about sucking balls....explains a lot.
                  "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


                  • #11
                    Says who?
                    A raghead ball sucker?


                    • #12
                      Who the f do you think you arem Yanks?
                      You have lost any war possible and only good at Hollywood and CNN!


                      • #13
                        A bloody clowns!


                        • #14
                          Well after serb's thoughfull input I kind of like the deal to be honest.

                          Will put some more russian b1tches to the coffins


                          • #15
                            German tanks are better, the Russian stuff is okay in a backyard mechanic kind of way. They do have a parade tank but it hasn't been battle tested, I don't know why Greece needs tanks, but I'm guessing some of your politicians are in the pocket of weapon producers. I assume they use the Turkey excuse.
                            Serb just likes you because you bash the west or Americans in particular. Nothing more.

