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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Russia is Russia (Rossia).
    Ukraine is Micro Russia (MaloRossia)
    Belarus is White Russia (The land of White Russians, a blondes I bet)

    They are ALL - RUSSIA!!!


    • Gee... Russia FREELY gave the land away to form a new country. And now you want to take it back via force against international law.
      Nice guys
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • We are WAYYYY less different between each other than Northern and South Germans or Italians (not to mention Chinesse).
        We speak basically the same language and unlike Germans and Italians can pretty well understand each other without any interpreter.​


        • We are the three branches of the same people with their origins at Kiev (back then known as the capital of Rus). And we differ from each other only slightly.

          So, it is pretty much a civil war, started and instigated by the West in 2014.


          • Originally posted by Ming View Post
            Gee... Russia FREELY gave the land away to form a new country. And now you want to take it back via force against international law.
            Nice guys
            We were pretty much ok with those territorial losses of the Soviet Union (despite the desintegration of USSR was ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL, both in accordance with the Soviet Constitution, the Helsinky agreement and the will of the Soviet people, who had clearly voted to preserve the USSR on Referendum).
            We were doing business with Ukraine for decades!
            Subsidised them for hundreds of billions of dollars.
            Then you came in 2014, made an anti-constitutional Coup and established the ABSOLUTELY anti-Russian Nazi regime, which immidiently have started to kill Russians of Ukraine and get a course to NATO, to place American missiles 8 minutes away flight from Moscow.

            Do you honestly think we would tolerate that forever?!

            For 8 years we have tried to resolve this conflict peacefully.

            But you want us dead!


            We will kill you, Americans, not just your Euro-lackeys. You won't stay aside, idiots!
            WE WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!!!

            So, come to your senses and start to try to live in peace with us, otherwise you are doomed.​
            Last edited by Serb; July 30, 2024, 06:04.


            • We will kill all of you, not because we want to, but because you left us no choice!
              Unlike you, we don't want to exterminate you. But we will do that without any doubt, if our own survival will be on stake.

              AS WE ALWAYS DO!


              • Originally posted by Serb View Post
                WE WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!!!​
                Ah, a fellow man of peace, I see.
                Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                • Sure!

                  ​Si vis pacem, parabellum!


                  • Originally posted by Lorizael View Post
                    We reject your premise. The only "neutrality" Putin would have ever accepted from Ukraine was Ukraine never doing anything Putin didn't approve of. Ukrainians won their freedom and independence from Russian imperialism 30 years ago, and it boggles my mind you think them foolish for fighting to preserve that freedom and independence now.
                    So, like the way the US treats all the countries it's got influence and power over, you mean?

                    The US would never accept the UK doing anything it didn't approve of, for example. Tell me it's not so.
                    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                    • Serb
                      Serb commented
                      Editing a comment

                  • Originally posted by BeBMan View Post

                    Anticipation is growing in Ukraine over the imminent delivery of Western-made F-16 fighter jets. Kyiv says the aircraft will be a game changer in its defense against Russia's invasion. Now, speculation is rife as to where they will be stationed.

                    Re the "gamechanger or not" bit -- as far as my superior web-based expertise goes I think that depends on the package, not only numbers, but for example what types of ammo/missiles are provided with them etc. and how that is sustained long-term. But in the end we simply don't know at this point, so let's see...
                    You mean a game changer like the Abrams etc?
                    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                    • And Leopards and Javelins and 777 and Paladins and Ceasars and whatever pieces of sh!t the West have already sent to Ukraine.
                      Last edited by Serb; July 30, 2024, 07:15.


                      • Oh, that is so great that your advanced engine marks my thread as a potential spam after I try to correct my typos in a thread for a third time in a row!

                        Brilliant. So, I have to cheat your engine and re-post it this way (by posting this preambule)

                        Originally posted by Lorizael View Post
                        ​We reject your premise. The only "neutrality" Putin would have ever accepted from Ukraine was Ukraine never doing anything Putin didn't approve of. Ukrainians won their freedom and independence from Russian imperialism 30 years ago, and it boggles my mind you think them foolish for fighting to preserve that freedom and independence now.
                        Care to explain, HOW EXACTLY Ukranians have won their freedom and independence from the Russian imperialism?

                        Perhaps they have revolted?
                        There was an uprising?
                        A long and bloody struggle for independence?
                        Come on!!!

                        PLEASE, tell me your bullsh!t story from the parallel reality!

                        In reality Ukraine was one of the four co-founders of USSR.

                        Three out of seven Soviet rullers between 1922 and 1991 were UKRANIANS (Khrushev, Brezhnev, Chernenko). One was Georgian (Stalin), one was Jew (Andropov) and only two out of seven were Russians (Lenin and Gorbachev).

                        Ukranians were a large part of the Soviet rulling elite.

                        The Soviet Union have industrialized Ukraine and turned an agrarial land into industrial powerhouse.

                        The Soviet Union gave a huge historically and ethnicaly Russian lands to Ukraine as a gift (Novorossia and Crimea).

                        The Soviet Union have tried to forcibly Ukranize those historically and ethnically Russian lands to make them Ukraian instead of Russian (beacause bolsheviks had a stupid agenda to dilute Ukranian peasants of Western Ukraine with workers of Eastern Ukraine (ethnically and historically Russian Novorossia), because they believed that workers is the driving force of Communism, not a backward peasants).

                        Ukranian culture was on its peak during USSR.

                        After 1991 Ukraine was third or fourth Economy in Europe (PPP) and the second largest army in Europe (btw, with nuclear weapons, ICBMs and a fleet of strategic bombers, not to mention they've got an half of Black sea fleet).
                        And now they have f*cked-up EVERYTHING within less than 30 years of their independence and became the poorest country in Europe and one of the most corrupt country in the World!!!

                        And that had happened long before "the Russian invasion", because Ukraine is a typicall FAILED STATE, a state which never existed before (with the exeption of a tiny period between 1917-1918).

                        So, no, in reality there was no any Ukranian battle for freedom and independence from the Russian imperialism.

                        In reality the majority of Soviet people have voted to keep the Soviet Union on referendum of 1991 (link to wiki).

                        In Ukraine 71.5% of voters have voted for that!

                        So what freaking win of independence are you talking about?


                        • Originally posted by MOBIUS View Post

                          You mean a game changer like the Abrams etc?
                          Actually, Abrams are doing better than the rest of the Western ****, we have destroyed only 12 out of 31 so far (that is only 39% dead).
                          Well, mostly because Ukranians are trying to do not use them on the battlefield.
                          But still it's a pretty great survival rate, compared to the rest of the Western sh!t.


                          • Originally posted by MOBIUS View Post

                            So, like the way the US treats all the countries it's got influence and power over, you mean?

                            The US would never accept the UK doing anything it didn't approve of, for example. Tell me it's not so.
                            It is not so that the US would invade the UK if the UK did something the US didn't approve of.
                            Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                            "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                            • Originally posted by MOBIUS View Post

                              You mean a game changer like the Abrams etc?
                              More like Patriot, Iris,, Gepard etc

