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  • Principles

    I was thinking about principles. How some people have them and some don't.
    And some are eclectic about them, they use them untill it no longer fits their benefit so then they abandon them for a while.

    Also the christian notion of virtue claims, I think, that you are not without error or sin but that you strive to get rid of it. That doesn't mean that you abandon principles (or you sin) when convinient to you while being fully conscious that you're doing it and ok with you doing it. Christian thing would be to abandon your principles, unknowingly and then when realizing you've done, it feel shocked and repent and of course vow not to fall in tha trap.

    Some may take a more utilitarian approach and say: I have no principles but does that give me what I want? If that is so, then freck principles. Those people must be epicurian w@ankers of some sort. Empty godless shells that only seek pleasure. Good for manure.

    So let's say you have in your hands an epicurian w@nker that has escaped his manure fate, for now. He violates every principle and gets what he wants. Untill he doesn't. What has he to fall behind on then? Absolutely nothing but the chaoic emptyness he has sawn.

    Now let's take a person that operates on principles. He tries to at least. Nitzche said for a why you can withstand any how and hence you forfeit the un christian ancient greek epicurian hedonism. *Who knew that the one who claimed god was dead was actually his biggest fan).

  • #2
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    "Fanaticism is to superstition what delirium is to fever and fury to anger." -Voltaire


    • #3
      Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
      Those people must be epicurian w@ankers of some sort. Empty godless shells that only seek pleasure. Good for manure.

      I thought Epicureans sought pleasure in moderation and an absence of pain and strife?

      The ancient greek epicureans that is. The modern term for epicurean does seem to mean a dissolute pleasure seeking debaucherer though.


      • #4
        Epic Koreans ??? *hides



        • Egbert
          Egbert commented
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          They were Greeks

        • Proteus_MST
          Proteus_MST commented
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          Those evil evil epic Greek Koreans

        • Egbert
          Egbert commented
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          Did Greeks invent Koreans or epics or epic koreans?

      • #5
        Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
        Also the christian notion of virtue claims, I think, that you are not without error or sin but that you strive to get rid of it. That doesn't mean that you abandon principles (or you sin) when convinient to you while being fully conscious that you're doing it and ok with you doing it. Christian thing would be to abandon your principles, unknowingly and then when realizing you've done, it feel shocked and repent and of course vow not to fall in tha trap.
        Welp, Christianity is wrong, Jesus existed but was not the son of God, he was merely a Prophet. With that in mind you have to go to the Old Testament to find "Truth and the Word of YHWH." The Jewish Current is stronger than the Christian one (which doesn't exist), and The Babylonian and Sumerian current is even stronger, from a mystical point of view. Also, demonology that stems from Christianity is also false as its SOURCE is false (Satan and Archangel Uriel for example,) and those particular Witches have no power outside their own body. However The Ars Goetia, Shem HaMephorash, Azazel, and Ba'al ARE real, as the Source (Judiasm) is correct and real.

        Whether or not people believe me is irrelevant, but it is the truth. I was actually going to make a Youtube Video series on this topic, but I know I will get all sorts of doubters.
        The Wizard of AAHZ


        • #6
          Of course another experienced practitioner could argue while those Currents work for ME, The Nordic and Egyptian currents work for THEM, etc. I cannot argue this with the limited logic of this dimension, even with a "definite" answer from my spirit guide, but my point still stands arguing the other way.

          Basically, believe what you will, but beware if you are wrong and getting no results from your philosophy. And Crowley said Philosophy is the same as Magick. (since Paiktis dropped a Nitzche quote.)
          The Wizard of AAHZ


          • #7
            TOO LATE NOW... I'M TRAINED.
            The Wizard of AAHZ


            • #8
              Principal Skinner is Best Principal
              Click image for larger version

Name:	2ec.jpg
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Size:	82.2 KB
ID:	9426027
              I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
              Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
              Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


              • #9
                I'm not sure that Jesus says to always live by your principles, no matter what. When they asked him why he healed people on the Sabbath he said, "If you have an ox trapped in the ditch on the Sabbath, don't you get him out."
                I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                • #10
                  maybe thats his principle, fudge the commandments, do the right thing...period

                  quite a departure from Moses who stoned somebody for gathering firewood on the Sabbath. There's gotta be more to that story, I wouldn't follow a prophet who did that.


                  • #11
                    He was stoned because he violated a direct command from The Demiurge (YHWH.) Once you understand just who The Demiurge is, Christianity starts to look very foolish. You have been deceived.
                    The Wizard of AAHZ


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                      maybe thats his principle, fudge the commandments, do the right thing...period

                      quite a departure from Moses who stoned somebody for gathering firewood on the Sabbath. There's gotta be more to that story, I wouldn't follow a prophet who did that.
                      This sums it up I think, "“The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” Mark 2:27
                      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                      • #13
                        Originally posted by ZEE View Post
                        He was stoned because he violated a direct command from The Demiurge (YHWH.) Once you understand just who The Demiurge is, Christianity starts to look very foolish. You have been deceived.
                        Stoned? Did they have quality weed?


                        • Uncle Sparky
                          Uncle Sparky commented
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                          I expect it was hashish... that would explain talking burning bushes, etc