I thought India was the largest democracy?
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Why America is no more
So, you owe nothing to Russia, not to mention your sole independence from the Ottomans. And those things never happened, right?
Russo-Turkish War (1828–29)
London Protocol (1830)
And of course Hitler was defeated by the USA, not the Soviet Union and was burnt alive in Paris movie theater by Brad Pitt, not commited suicide in April 1945 in his bunker in Berlin.
So surely you have no single thing to be grateful to Russia.
Ok, bro! We got your gratitude! But not surprised at all.
Your beloved Georgians (not to mention attacked and killed Russian peacekeepers stationed there which is an act of war by all imaginable standards) have attacked and were slaughtering cities of South Ossetians with tanks and MLRS. And South Ossetians are Orthodox as well. Do you suggest we should leave them and let them be slaughtered by an American puppet Saakashvili?
Your beloved Ukrainians had owerthrew a lagal democratically elected president and were jumping on the streets of their cities shouthing "Moskalyaku na guilyaky/ Hang the Moscovites" and "Moskaley na nozhi" / "Knife the Russians".
Well, they got what they have deserved.
Armenians do the same trick, as well as all our slavic and Orthodox "brothers" - they think they can throw insults and spit on Russia, but at the same time absolutely sure that Russia will save them if something bad happens.
That doesn't work that way, silly!
All those Poles, Baltic states and the rest will have to pay the bill for all their grave insults.
Because we never forget a thing!
Serb, friend and brother and I don't use these words lightly
I thank you for your input to these things, some thigns I knew and some I didn't
Georgians and Ukranians are not my brothers.
But listen to me from a western perspective if you will
turkey is FUBAR and has been since a long time, it always creates problems
Russia has a wealth of energy and wants to monopolize europe, US wants to stop this
Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View PostOk. I'm sorry if I overeacted, I'm drunk.
I know your feelings and don't take them lightly
We dont't chose anything
But do you want me to lie?
Greece has 100% fallen in the west.
Even I see its merits.
But that's ok.
Sorry if I was too offensive
And now you simply do not exist for me.
Farewell and goodluck!
Originally posted by Serb View Post
No problemo, bro! You've said everything!
And now you simply do not exist for me.
Farewell and goodluck!
And you know that you will still listen to what I have to say because I'm not some stupic cold war warrior.
And you also want more and better for yourself
yeah... and I say **** putin. Oh yeah and he can't touch me,.
and pretty soon Russia will STOP ressembling ****ing Turkey and you will be glad that it doesn't
Armenia will be better after this war, than it was before.
And if you weren't drunk all the time you could have ask yourself why your beloved West don't do a sh!t to stop the war and your beloved "the largest Democracy on Earth" doesn't pull out its rabid NATO dog, but instead gives it an "attack" command!
Do you honestly think Turkey is so independent and can do whatever it wants?
It is just a continuation of American romance with Islamic extremists started from Majehedin in Afghanistan, but now it continues on the next level.