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Thanks, Oerdin!

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  • Thanks, Oerdin!

    I saw you were posting ignorant **** on Facebook, and decided to come back and see how things were going here.
    John Brown did nothing wrong.

  • #2
    Not well.
    Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
    "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


    • #3
      Yeah, it's like the last act of a zombie movie. A handful of survivors clustered around a camp fire, ammunition running low, with the specter of annihilation looming.
      John Brown did nothing wrong.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Felch View Post
        I saw you were posting ignorant **** on Facebook, and decided to come back and see how things were going here.
        Which stuff would that be?

        The one where Mobius was being a ******?
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #5
          For those interested the discussion was that conservatives all pretty much acknowledge the extreme right (I.E. Nazis) are bad and make great efforts to exclude Nazis. Sadly, on the left they do not expel the extreme left not even the ones who openly espouse violence like Antifa. That is a problem and both sides need to be required to expel extremists not make excuses for them and pander to them the way the Democratic establishment clearly is doing right now.

          BTW this is a problem many people have spoken about over the years. Even some pretty liberal folks. Sadly, most people are so stuck in their own echo chamber that they don’t ever see a differing point of view.

          But, I guess, for echo chamber dwellers that is “ignorant ****”. It’s a sad state of affairs.
          Last edited by Dinner; June 9, 2020, 16:51.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #6
            It's the end game.

            What if nazis win? Then you have America

            What if far left wins? Then you have Europe (somewhat still needs a lot of work)

            So noone wants the nazi's end game. So every act of violence is reprehensible.

            But everyone of sane minds wants the second. And the end justifies the means.

            No really,. nazi end game= only hasselhoff sruvives

            Far left end game = world wide utopia,

            If it means breaking a few eggs.. so what?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dinner View Post

              Which stuff would that be?

              The one where Mobius was being a ******?
              The 99.995% of cops would save our lives meme.
              John Brown did nothing wrong.


              • #8
                Oerdin's belly bounces and goes wiggle wobble.
                Order of the Fly
                Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Felch View Post

                  The 99.995% of cops would save our lives meme.
                  And the bad actors get arrested. Any large group will have some who break the rules and the important thing is to identify and prosecute those rare individuals who do so. The abolish police movement Dems are currently embracing is absolute insanity. All that will lead to is big increases in crime and the rise of partisan militias all of whom will be less trained, more likely to violate citizens rights, and be less legally accountable to the public.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                    For those interested the discussion was that conservatives all pretty much acknowledge the extreme right (I.E. Nazis) are bad and make great efforts to exclude Nazis.
                    Preeeeeetty sure conservatives elected Trump.
                    Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                    "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                      And the bad actors get arrested.
                      No, they don't. That's the whole point of these protests.

                      George Floyd's killers weren't immediately arrested, and it's doubtful they ever would have been if not for the protests.

                      Breonna Taylor was gunned down by cops who broke into her house looking for drugs that did not exist. Her killers are still free.

                      The Buffalo assault was first reported as a man injured accidentally in a protest. It was only when independent footage came out that the responsible officers were first fired, and then arrested.

                      Those cops who are arrested are the exception. We need to abolish police unions, strip them of qualified immunity, end the war on drugs, and take away as much of their power and funding as it takes to put them in their place.
                      John Brown did nothing wrong.


                      • #12
                        There are around 1m law enforcement personnel in the US. If 99.995% are good, then the claim is there are only 50 wrong’uns. Doesn't pass the smell test.

                        i know I’m bring literal. But I prefer it to hyperbole.
                        One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                        • #13
                          Oh, no, you're absolutely right to take it literally. If people want to post some **** with numbers on it, the numbers should reflect reality, not just the poster's feelings.

                          And we know there are more than 50 bad cops in America. There are more than 50 bad cops in Buffalo, NY. And there are more cops beyond them who want to work with bad cops.

                          Brevard County Fraternal Order of Police: disciplined and jailed cops should apply here

                          A Brevard chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police posted a now deleted advertisement over the weekend calling on those officers involved in violent incidents in Buffalo, NY and Atlanta, GA, to join the ranks of local police agencies, drawing howls of outrage from citizens across Florida.

                          "Hey Buffalo 57... and Atlanta 6... we are hiring in Florida. Lower taxes, no spineless leadership, or dumb mayors rambling on at press conferences... Plus... we got your back! #lawandorderFlorida," reads the June 6 post made at 1:21 a.m on the Brevard County F.O.P. Facebook page. The post, deleted sometime Monday morning garnered over 2,000 comments and 1,000 shares.

                          The President of the Brevard County lodge acknowledged that the post was legitimate and defended its recruiting efforts as well as the actions of the Buffalo and Atlanta police officers involved in the widely condemned incidents. Some of those officers have been arrested and face criminal charges.

                          In Buffalo, 57 police officers quit their unit after two of their colleagues were suspended for pushing an unarmed 75-year-old man to the ground, cracking his skull. The incident was caught on video.

                          In Atlanta. six officers were criminally charged, four with felonies, for the arrest of two black college students, a man and a woman, while leaving a protest in their car. The incident, also caught on video, shows them violently removing the pair from the vehicle, tasing them and slamming them to the ground. One of the students suffered a broken wrist and a deep gash.

                          A 75-year-old man suffered a head injury and is in 'stable but serious condition' after he was shoved by police during a protest in Buffalo, New York. Storyful

                          Brevard County F.O.P. President Bert Gamin, who said he is a 28-year law enforcement veteran, with two years as a Melbourne Police Department reservist and 26 years with the Brevard County Sheriff's Office, claimed responsibility for the recruitment post.

                          "Our citizens have a right to protest peacefully and legally. They do not have a right to block roadways, trespass on private property or disobey lawful commands from law enforcement officers," he wrote in response to emailed questions from FLORIDA TODAY.

                          He also defended the incidents in Buffalo and Atlanta.

                          "The police had the legal authority in both cases. At the time the warnings were provided, the citizens were already breaking the law. Those citizens chose to disregard the warnings. It led directly to escalations and confrontations with the police. When we issue lawful commands/warnings, citizens have a responsibility to comply. The reality is failure to comply leads to escalation."

                          "As it specifically relates to the elderly gentleman in Buffalo, he and others were repeatedly warned by the police to leave the area. They disobeyed the orders, 'he wrote, adding "Those Buffalo officers, like many across this nation, are being placed in absolute no-win situations. That field force unit was ordered to clear the area. They followed the orders they were given and followed their training."

                          Gamin also implied that his fellow lodge members felt the same way.

                          John Brown did nothing wrong.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                            For those interested the discussion was that conservatives all pretty much acknowledge the extreme right (I.E. Nazis) are bad and make great efforts to exclude Nazis. Sadly, on the left they do not expel the extreme left not even the ones who openly espouse violence like Antifa. That is a problem and both sides need to be required to expel extremists not make excuses for them and pander to them the way the Democratic establishment clearly is doing right now.

                            BTW this is a problem many people have spoken about over the years. Even some pretty liberal folks. Sadly, most people are so stuck in their own echo chamber that they don’t ever see a differing point of view.

                            But, I guess, for echo chamber dwellers that is “ignorant ****”. It’s a sad state of affairs.
                            Did someone throw a milkshake at you?


                            • Dinner
                              Dinner commented
                              Editing a comment
                              Nope. I just make observations.

                          • #15
                            Thank you Oerdin.

                            Welcome back Felch.


                            • Felch
                              Felch commented
                              Editing a comment
                              Thanks, good to be back