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Who were Kid and BK and what did they do?

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  • Who were Kid and BK and what did they do?

    Just curious as I see the name Kid mentioned a lot.

    Mods feel free to delete the topic if too controversial.
    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln

  • #2
    Kidicious: Former Communist turned Christian Existentialist something-or-other. Probable undiagnosed schizophrenic (or related disorder). Caricature of conservatism with fondness for utterly bizarre non sequiturs. Dominated OT discourse for well over a year before eventually saying so many offensive things he got permabanned.
    Ben Kenobi: Extremely bigoted Catholic Gish Gallop enthusiast. Treated trolling like a full-time job. Banned many times, always came back until (I am told) he got a girlfriend.

    Whenever either was around, productive conversation was effectively impossible, because literally any new topic would be hijacked within minutes by one or both saying something asinine, offensive, and only tangentially related at best to the topic at hand. And most people, for reasons I still do not understand, could not resist any opportunity to argue with them even though the arguments never ended or changed. The OT was overwhelmed with threads about their loathing for Muslims, homosexuals, Mexicans, and whatever else; the few threads they did not hijack got buried. People who did not like arguing these topics with reactionary dullards (like me, or Lori) consequently took extended vacations from the site.
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    Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


    • Ted Striker
      Ted Striker commented
      Editing a comment
      Ah Kid = Kidicious
      BK = Ben Kenobi

      All I remembered about Ben Kenobi was he was a religious type but seemed pretty considerate.

      It’s funny to see all of our “character arcs” over the years

  • #3
    I have never had any issues with either Kidicious or Ben Kenobi. Relations with both were always cordial and polite. Although we had numerous significant differences of opinion I never debated eih them.

    I find the OT a very pedantic and argumentative forum so I simply do not debate anyone. I prefer discussion to debate as I find I learn more.

    I would welcome the return of either of them or both.


    • #4
      Kid always wanted to know if ppl can use logic.


      • #5
        Should logic be allowed?

        It is much easier to call one another "****".


        • #6
          Who was derek?
          One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


          • #7
            Probably a DL.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #8
              Originally posted by Braindead View Post
              I have never had any issues with either Kidicious or Ben Kenobi. Relations with both were always cordial and polite. Although we had numerous significant differences of opinion I never debated eih them.

              I find the OT a very pedantic and argumentative forum so I simply do not debate anyone. I prefer discussion to debate as I find I learn more.

              I would welcome the return of either of them or both.


              • #9
                Che doesn’t seem to be taking the shut down well. He had been getting increasingly unhinged in his Facebook posts calling for a communist revolution and denouncing everything as racist conspiracies. I would occasionally chime in when he said something especially retarded like “only white people can be racist” (I would say something like please tell that to the Muslim Uighers who are facing genocide at the hands of the Communist Chinese). He became completely unhinged and then both unfriended and blocked me saying that claiming nonwhite groups could also be racist was itself “racist”.

                The poor guy just doesn’t seem well. I have noticed that conservatives will happily debate people based upon the facts but many on the far left seem unable to debate and only want pure echo chambers where no one ever challenges or debates them. I imagine it is because they know they would lose the debate. Thus why they have an obsession with deplateforming people instead of debating them. It is sad really.
                Last edited by Dinner; April 20, 2020, 03:31.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • #10
                  AAHZ can tell you all you need to know about Kid.


                  • #11
                    I have noticed that conservatives will happily debate people based upon the facts but many on the far left seem unable to debate and only want pure echo chambers where no one ever challenges or debates them. I imagine it is because they know they would lose a debate. Thus why they have an obsession with deplateforming people instead of debating them. It is sad really.
                    Conservatives and facts don't mix well. Far lefties are the ones who care about the poor, future generations, animals, the environment, and everything else that Conservatives (and many centrists/Liberals) are happily destroying for $.

                    Many of the far left are not intellectual, as caring is emotional. It is the fault of the intellectual Conservatives/centrists/Liberals for not providing realistic solutions that are compassionate. In fact they (often knowingly) provide unrealistic solutions that are genocidal.

                    In any case it becomes difficult to stay composed when you're facing down murderous slavers who continuously respond to everything with some variation of "God wills it so" and/or "might makes right".


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                      Che doesn’t seem to be taking the shut down well. He had been getting increasingly unhinged in his Facebook posts calling for a communist revolution and denouncing everything as racist conspiracies. I would occasionally chime in when he said something especially retarded like “only white people can be racist” (I would say something like please tell that to the Muslim Uighers who are facing genocide at the hands of the Communist Chinese). He became completely unhinged and then both unfriended and blocked me saying that claiming nonwhite groups could also be racist was itself “racist”.

                      The poor guy just doesn’t seem well. I have noticed that conservatives will happily debate people based upon the facts but many on the far left seem unable to debate and only want pure echo chambers where no one ever challenges or debates them. I imagine it is because they know they would lose the debate. Thus why they have an obsession with deplateforming people instead of debating them. It is sad really.
                      I am serious, at some point you have to start saying basic truths. If you have a dick then you are not a chick. Men who went through puberty have 70% more upper body strength than biological woman so it is neither “stunning” nor “brave” when biological males beat the ****ing **** out of biological females who only have 30% of the upper body strength. This is just scientifically retarded.
                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • -Jrabbit
                        -Jrabbit commented
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                        Your conversation with yourself just took a decidedly weird turn.

                      • dannubis
                        dannubis commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Yeah, i had to reread the entire thread because the flow seemed to go off the deep end...

                    • #13
                      Basic truths:

                      This thread had no previous mention of transgendered issues.

                      Who wins a sporting event is not very high on the list of critical issues facing humanity.

                      Gender deals with hardware and software, and is not binary. Treating it as simply a binary hardware issue is not saying "basic truths"


                      • #14
                        Aeson needs a pat on the head because he is precious. He is also wrong because destroying woman’s athletics to accommodate biological males is not ok. That is pure sexist nonsense.
                        Last edited by Dinner; April 20, 2020, 14:12.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #15
                          Gender is not simply a binary hardware setting.

