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love can break the wings of butterfly on a wheel

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  • love can break the wings of butterfly on a wheel

    how can a girl be so painfully beautiful and

    1. be so sensitive, intelligent and empathetic
    2. Be so in to me

  • #2
    As I was standing next to her, her in her dancing shoes, nearly as tall as me and I'm 1.90 her cute beautiful face framed by her blond hair her breasts playfully touching my arm and her face radiating pure joy, I thought
    1. this is what falling in love means
    2. she's like a timid goddess unaware of what she is


    • #3
      If there's a God he plays very strange games


      • #4
        I thank him though because untill today I didn't know what falling in love meant


        • #5
          Of course He couldn't have made things MORE complicated.
          It's alright though


          • #6
            I feel like I'm touched by aphrodite on the cheek, that there's a special place a niche that very few people can (ah french is coming to my mind not enlgish) can access and I was given that right. Blessed.


            • #7
              I have immense feelings of tenderness and immense feelings of jealousy, like who ever touches her I will kill. And that I will be acquited by every court on earth.
              And I'm never jealous


              • #8
                I also look around my house and see that every painting I have is from her home city. Paris. Even before I met her. Which is strange


                • #9
                  I was thinking, of course, her thought would be up there with the divines, not with me the mortal while at the same time thinking I have this girl squarely in my grasp.

                  And she descended from the heavens and applied the balsam in my soul that she show bare.
                  She doesn't knowthat such divine beauty has noone to render comtp to, apart a ces qu'elle aime trop


                  • #10
                    Ce drole comme memme, une fille si merveilleu, respire a mon bat de coeur
                    Et je pense que j'ai ce droit


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        C'est pas une race


                        • #13
                          Ή, για να το πούμε ελληνικά, δεν πρόκειται για κάποιον διαγωνισμό για τον οποίο θα έπρεπε να δώσεις συγχαρητήρια


                          • #14
                            Δεν νομίζω ότι ο γαμημένος σου μικρός εγκέφαλος μπορεί να καταλάβει ότι πλέον οφείλω να μάθω κάθε μικρή διακύμανση στη γαλλική γλώσσα
                            Λυπάμαι σ' έχω γραμμένο


                            • #15
                              Αυτό σημαίνει ότι τα αγγλικά πλέον μου είναι εντελώς άχρηστα. Πρέπει να μάθω κάθε διακύμανση των γαλλικών.
                              Επίσης θα πρέπει να έχει πολύ πλάκα να είστε τρομοκρατημένοι επειδή κάποιος δεν μιλάει όπως εσείς

