france is the best country in the world and it has the best girls.
I'm drunk and I can be drunk untill saturday
My english are near perfect. I can insult your mothers with ease.
My french are ok but not english perfect.
English is a language you learn out of (misguided) necessity
French you learn out of love
(**** german, of course)
I can express m self nea rprefectly in englih.
Perfectly n greek.
not so much in french.
but my mind expands quicly decisively
I'm drunk and I can be drunk untill saturday
My english are near perfect. I can insult your mothers with ease.
My french are ok but not english perfect.
English is a language you learn out of (misguided) necessity
French you learn out of love
(**** german, of course)
I can express m self nea rprefectly in englih.
Perfectly n greek.
not so much in french.
but my mind expands quicly decisively