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darn it

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  • darn it

    I went to a mexican restaurant with a girl and we drunk cuba libre and it was subliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime.

    So I got some rum and coke and limes and tried to re-make it, it doesn't taste so good, I think I messed up the analogies (proportions, percentages whatever is called)

  • #2
    hmm lets watch the video

    Cuba libre από τον Άκη Πετρετζίκη. Το παραδοσιακό ποτό της Κούβας με ρούμι, coca cola και χυμό από lime ή λεμόνι! Καλέστε τους φίλους σας σπίτι και κεράστε τους


    • #3
      hmm ok
      too much lime (double the percentage)
      too much cola

      the rum percentage I got that right


      • #4
        the girl was hot but was vegetarian in alternative therapy theories and she gave up a career in finance to focus on alternative remedy theories.
        she was hot though


        • #5
          Is that like Shaman?
          I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
          - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
            So I got some rum and coke and limes and tried to re-make it, it doesn't taste so good, I think I messed up the analogie
            Probably forgot to put in the girl for the remake



            • #7
              I think that's it


              • #8
                I made a new one (there are no failures unless you stop) and it does taste better but stil doesn't have that je ne sais quoi


                • #9
                  she is hot but we don't click on an intellectual level. There is another girl she's also hot and we click massively there but alas I can't be with her but I am tempted. Then there is an uber uber hot girl. I don't know, yet, if we click on an intellectual level.


                  • #10
                    It's not shaman it's reiki and other stuff energy radiating bull**** things like that.
                    I used to frown upon them and consider them a metaphysical post modernist decadent refuge away from Orthon Logon (logic and rationality).
                    Nowadays I'm more mellow towards it but I still consider it a bit cookoo.
                    She has a perfect body though and a sweet face and she doesn't smoke.
                    But the things she was saying were banalities. I'm dead tired of platitudes and banalities I get so bored.

                    With the other girl we made universes explode and I really like her bathing suit body but alas


                    • pchang
                      pchang commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Alas??? Did she turn out to be a cousin or something?

                  • #11
                    The model is on another level entirely. (She's not a model but she could easily be). All I know is I make her laugh (hopefully with me) but haven't screened her throroughly yet


                    • #12
                      Beauty without wit offers love nothing but the material enjoyment of its physical charms, whilst witty ugliness captivates by the charms of the mind, and at last fulfills all the desires of the man it has captivated...

                      - Giacomo Cassanova


                      • #13
                        She may be hot.

                        Looks turn the gaze but do not command attention over the long run for one will soon tire of a woman who has nothing more than looks.

