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  • Israel

    Watching eurovision and the iceland nazis I came upon these thoughts:

    icelanders are whale killing nazis. They are 300.000 people. My neighborhoiod has more people than that. And they are Greek which skyrockets their value.

    Israel is solid. I don't agree with its policies but the courage, professionalism, stiff upper lip and mediteranean humanity with which they approached the whole organization was flawless.

    Scandinavians are nazi by definition. They were hitlers wild dream now they support palestinians.

    I also support human rights but I'm not a nazi. That's the difference

  • #2
    Where I'm from, the nazis asked the mayor for a list with all the jews. The mayor gave only two names, his own and the orthodox priest's.
    The message was clear. You mess with them the whole island will come down on you.

    Iceland was still killing whales


    • #3

      I was hoping this would be about Israel: Paedophile Paradise.
      There's nothing wrong with the dream, my friend, the problem lies with the dreamer.


      • #4
        That is just some activist making outrageous claims. As for the real pedophile paradise it is hard to decide on a winner with so many degenerate Islamic pedophile countries out there but I think Afghanistan noses ahead with their national pastime of bachabazi. Which is old men dress up 8 year old boys in girl’s clothes, watch them dance like a girl, then take turns ass raping the child.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #5
          I'm sure Israel's practises are inhuman and have garnerned the ire of the whole civilized world.
          I am for the protection of human rights.
          That can't stop me, from recognizing that some people, bonded by religion, were massacred by the millions and yet,
          they survived, they bonded together, they perceviered and made a home out of themselves. This touches I think a very delicate cord in the soul of every Greek. Meanwhile the rapport with palestine is huge as well. Many have Greek education (closest european universities)
          They speak Greek flowlessly.
          And Greece itself is flooded with Israeli tourists. I ilke that hard ass personality and yet they are not nazi. Something else.


          • #6
            Also if you want to read one of the best books you'll read in your life (assuming the translatioj to your language is also good) it's this

            Sixty years after fighting in Israel’s War of Independence, Yoram Kaniuk tries to remember what exactly did—and did not—happen in his time as a teenage soldier in the Palmach. The result is a touchingly poignant and hauntingly beautiful memoir that the author himself considers a work of fiction, for what is memory but

            Now, I don't know who borrowed it from me but I'll scold them. I don't like losing books like that


            • #7
              The description of the book at that webpage is worthless.

              The book trasnports you with the authority of someone who has lived through war to a dream like state. Where nothing is real and death coming just around the corner is processed as just some other possibility. You ARE in the mind of the author as death looms in his every step. You are in the middle of a war as people keep coming from europe, battered and stripped from all their belonging.
              You are participating in the bloody process of recreating an ancient nation only occasionally stepping into reality from your dream world, in which you can cope.

