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  • supplement information

    analgesic effect at "optimal"
    pulling beard hairs as test
    can't feel a damn bit of pain
    high doses? euphoric "idea" mindflow
    after dosing? moderate to heavy relaxation depending on variety of factors,
    you'll probably just have a nice relaxing day before you can muster up the focus to find a harmful amount of ingestion
    3,000 mg doses+... CB1 gets maxed out. You basically just get an enjoyable anti inflammatory experience.
    for example, heavy strenuous activity, even strength training, you will enjoy fast recovery times
    properly stimmed endocannabinoid system "runner's high"
    it helps you feel like you are putting forth olympic effort, by mostly just standing around living a sustainably balanced" caloric lifestyle...
    you'll struggle to eat enough of the guilty pleasure foods to satisfy your body's cravings for structure
    the weight you do gain will be core
    185-215? uhm, no real difference in terms of clothes fitting
    gets tight around the thighs because I got trunks

    primary activity?
    wearing a weighted vest as much as tolerable (like a pitbull or astronaut in orbit trying to not atrophy)
    standing during waking hours

    at about 205 now, I feel like I'm a spaceman on the moon with every stride
    standing while using a computer system, gaming for instance, will give you an exceptional motor control skillset

    am I so special? I can Michaelangelo the hand of God to the glass on the table at full "punch" and either skim it so lightly, or barely tough it at all

    shooting a puck, (how will this better humaning affect what you are already good at?)
    you will only regret not doing this as much as possible every second of your life thus far

    Depending on your fitness level, just getting to standing all day may be the battle. It could take a year or more.
    Your feet will hurt at first. That passes. Your joints will be sore. That passes. Your muscles will ache. That passes.
    Use cannabis and you shouldn't have trouble with most of that.

    "when I smoke weed X happens"

    I will point at every last one of you and say you do not have enough experience with enough strains to make any such conclusions about how your body will respond. One strain may put you to sleep. One may put you in an idea place where you'll come up with something better than you ever did before and consider your younger self a damned fool.


  • #2
    I've struggled with mood issues (as I would describe my state at the particular time in question as not desired). That's a broad term full of stigma. Anyone who talks about such things should detonate proverbial hydrogen bombs so that anyone who dare pipe up with dumb bull**** gets shouted into oblivion. Plan your arguments so well and God themselves may appear to give you a lesson on sexual reproductive supremacy with regards to "intelligent life" in existence.


    • #3
      You know the phrase where it's like: "if you meet *******s all the time, maybe you are the *******

      Sorry but no. Most everyone outside in public, in society, in all aspects of life, is a pile of social expective dog**** who can't help but spout off about how this person or that person is so terrible because they didn't fit in with what role they had in mind for you.

      Mind your own business. Nobody owes you anything. You don't deserve a bit of any human's time unless they decide. Not talking isn't weird. Keeping to yourself isn't weird. Expecting everyone to be your goddamn jester and entertain you "socially" is a very awful personality trait. Bleh extroverts."

      Is it that? or just rude ass ignorant people... who might use your perspective during an alone moment... the things you might say, philosophies, principles regarding normal"" human expectations... and they'd "loner wolf" you. "creepy" "that person's crazy" and then some sort of *****ing about how you have to tolerate the either medical issues of others "mental health" or some other cacamamey ethereal "there's evil and everything's an after school special fairy tale".

      blech. /tan gents


      • #4
        Federal law should mandate cannabis friendly space for medicinal patients in every public building and business in the country.

        Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

        To us, it is the BEAST.


        • #5
          Food, weed, and brews are the only American institutions doing anything well.

          Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #6
            Art is priceless. Devalued on sale.

            Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

            To us, it is the BEAST.


            • #7
              Thank you for this information. However, it will not help a newbie. So, if you are only going to try your first cbd oil, you'd better read koi cbd review (2020) and understand what CBD you need, They are different. Of course, they are all efficient but you need to choose something exact.

