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US is Nazi Germany

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  • US is Nazi Germany

    let's listen When cotton grows on the fig tree And alfalfa hangs on the rose When the aliens run the United States And the Jews grow a straight nose When the Pope is praised by every one In the land of Uncle Sam And a Greek is elected President THEN–the Ku Klux won’t be worth a damn. cotton growes on a fig tree? no clue alfalfa hangs oin a rose? no clue aliens run the united staes? ok who is not aliens? nazi anglosaoxn protestants? jews grow a straight nose. ok seems everyone doesn;t liek the jews pope is praised by everyone? not by us but who gives a freck about protestands if they're agaisnt us a greek is elected president? since two thousand years ago yes then the ku klux clan won;t be worht a damn i guess kkk is america and america must be worth something

  • #2
    I'll have one of what he's drinking.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      America = white nazi anglosaxon protestant get the freck out


      • #4


        • #5
          during the iraq war i was banned from poly. I cheered at the downing of a british helicopter. I cheered for iraqi freedom. I slapped the face of british nazis. I was for freedom. I was banned. Apparently that was nothing. Being greek in america at that time was worse. apparenyly because we were burning american flags here they were attacking excvhange students there. I stand by freedom. I cheered for the downing of nazi invadors. Like any decent man did


          • #6
            getting banned fromk poly was a small price to pay for defending freedom. The iraqi children murdered by the nazi americans. WE the few, the proud the free defending them. I'm so glad those nazi brits are out of the european union. I don't particularly like french and I'm not fond of germans, but nazis, they are not


            • #7
              and people now are ok with america. because it hates turkey. america hates erdogan because he doesn't colaborate with america. america doesn't have a problem with dictatorships as long as they do its binding. as soon as erdogan is gone america will fall back on the dictator-dictatorprotector relationship. that's ok though, I guess now they can enjoy TV serials without guilt. BUT they are all turkish so no cookie there either. HOWEVER, turkey will never fall back on pro-western ideals. Turkey is gone, we should and will colaborate with america out of common interests and common ideals, but let noone fool you. they are the murderers you hated. they are just weak now. and russia is winning


              • #8
                and I don't like the politics of russia. I like russia because they like us. we have a cukltural bond. but i don't like its politics., i like freedom and democracy. freck. what basically now only germany represents


                • #9
                  Germany thinks it represents the "TRUE WEST". and they are right. big boobs carrying large glasses of ice cold beer certainbtly qualify for leader of the western world. make no mistake


                  • #10
                    You meet people and think. they are puting up a facade. they are hypocrites. They can't possibly be what they try to show they are. germans kind of convince you they are sincere. it's strange. mind boggling. anyway. going wqith the flow.


                    • #11
                      in a strange way, they are the most "sane people" out there


                      • #12
                        but make no mistake: USA is a white nazi anglosaxon protestant beast that wants to kill you


                        • #13
                          Can confirm. Federal law enforcement is a joke and evil.


                          • #14
                            Someone is still butthurt because Saddam got hung by the neck and **** his pants.
                            I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                            - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                              during the iraq war i was banned from poly. I cheered at the downing of a british helicopter. I cheered for iraqi freedom....
                              While I was against the Iraq war (and also think that iraqi society was more westernized under Saddam), even I have to admit that the Iraqis weren't exactly "free" under Saddam. It was still an oppressive society, where certain population groups (like the Kurds) were oppressed (and gassed) and people who were suspected of activities vanished in torture prisons.
                              In a way it reminds me of syrias society.

                              Of course, the USA made things even worse after conquest ... and IS is a result of this ... but nevertheless, even before the Iraq war there was no freedom for Iraqis
                              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"

