The report broke yesterday, following a lengthy investigation. Basically, of Pennsylvania's eight Catholic dioceses, six were found to be continuously complicit in the sexual assault of minors over a period of seventy years. 301 priests, more than a thousand proven victims (report thinks far more were actually victimized, those are just the thousand we have proof of), and the other two dioceses apparently were not included because separate grand juries have already found them guilty. The usual wretched details apply--bishops keeping detailed secret files and moving priests around whenever things got too hot--plus new ones like blasphemous child porn (photographing teenage boys naked in a "crucified" posture). Some girls, some really tiny kids. Blecch.
Given the sheer scale, the breadth and depth of the abuse, it's hard to believe that much the same problem isn't found across the US. Basically, the odds of any given American bishop having covered up a sexual crime are very nearly 1 at this point. Is this anything new, though? I suspect this isn't making more waves because we've become accustomed to this type of story. Skimming Wiki's article on the clerical abuse scandals in general, this seems to represent a much larger problem; a previous report found 10K alleged cases over fifty years for the entire country, while this is only (most of) one US state with a thousand confirmed cases and many more suspected/unproven.
I do wonder what this will do the RCC in the US in general. They have an ongoing priest shortage, and even their pockets aren't infinitely deep. Nor do they seem willing to take serious action to prevent a recurrence.