intergrated greek albanian albanian kids who grew up in greece and are greek translation Σε περιμένω, σε περιμένω, σε περιμένω εδώ Μη μ' αφήνεις εδώ, μη μ' αφήνεις εδώ I wait for you, don't leave me here [Bridge] Είμ' ο τύπος που δεν πάν' οι γονείς σου I'm the type your parents don't like Βγάζω τον εαυτό μου όταν είμαι μαζί σου I let myself free with you Δεν το εννοούσα όταν είπα "άντε γαμήσου" I didn't mean it when I said freck you Την άλλη μέρα πάλι σ' ήθελα πίσω, yeah The next day I wanted you back [Chorus] Σ' έχω ανάγκη για να σωθώ Σ' έχω ανάγκη για να σωθώ Σε περιμένω ακόμα εδώ I have need of you to be saved You make me stand up Άμα πέσω με κάνεις να σηκωθώ Σ' έχω ανάγκη για να σωθώ Σ' έχω ανάγκη για να σωθώ Σε περιμένω ακόμα εδώ Άμα πέσω με κάνεις να σηκωθώ If I fall you make me stand up [Verse] Θυμήσου πώς περνάγαμε μαζί Μόνο τις καλές στιγμές Remember how we were together Only the good times Θέλω να τα κάνω όλα όπως πριν Όχι δεν θέλω άλλο να κλαις I want eveything to be like before No I don't want you to cry Μην νιώθεις ενοχές Ξέρω ότι έφταιξα κι εγώ Don't feel guitly I klnow I did wrong too Γύρνα πίσω και σώσε με Πριν πέσω στο κενό Πριν κάνω βουτιά Πριν κάνω βουτιά Come back and save me before i drop to nothingness Πριν πέσω στα βαθιά before i sink deep Και νιώθεις τύψεις, που θα μ' αφήσεις εκεί να πνιγώ and you feel guilty for letting me drawn Μη μ' αφήνεις εδώ Μ' αφήνεις εδώ Φοβάμαι εδώ Μη μ' αφήνεις εδώ [Bridge] Είμ' ο τύπος που δεν πάν' οι γονείς σου Βγάζω τον εαυτό μου όταν είμαι μαζί σου Δεν το εννοούσα όταν είπα "άντε γαμήσου" Την άλλη μέρα πάλι σ' ήθελα πίσω, yeah [Chorus] Σ' έχω ανάγκη για να σωθώ Σ' έχω ανάγκη για να σωθώ Σε περιμένω ακόμα εδώ Άμα πέσω με κάνεις να σηκωθώ Σ' έχω ανάγκη για να σωθώ Σ' έχω ανάγκη για να σωθώ Σε περιμένω ακόμα εδώ Άμα πέσω με κάνεις να σηκωθώ [Outro] Σε περιμένω, σε περιμένω, σε περιμένω εδώ Μη μ' αφήνεις εδώ, μη μ' αφήνεις εδώ Μη μ' αφήνεις εδώ Μ' αφήνεις εδώ Φοβάμαι εδώ Don'e leave me here I'm afraid here Μη μ' αφήνεις εδώ
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best rap
You have a problem with me now, don't you Paiktis? Is it because I threw in my coins with The Jews? Maybe because I worship Ba'al? Maybe both?
Your patterns betray you. AAHZ no ordinary skitzo. I read BETWEEN the lines.The Wizard of AAHZ
You knew it would come to this. You saw before even I did. You knew I would walk The Path and discover The Way. Despite your drunken ramblings and stupidity I know you knew how the world really works. You knew we would eventually become enemies. Now I see it too.
Lets see what happens now.The Wizard of AAHZ
And I am busy watching a movie on Netflix right now or I would show you a REAL rap video. Probably go over your head though, like most the stuff I post. You seem to like and listen to to random things I post and like or dislike them in no order at all. It's disrespectful.The Wizard of AAHZ
- I don't owe you an apology because I haven't done anything wrong. I havent liked ANY of your videos in the recent times exactly because I didnt have the time to carefully and properly listen to them so I can absorb them and form an authoritative opinion of their merit. THAT's respectful
So I must wait for the Mighty Paiktis to find me time? This is why I do not post in the Music thread or make AAHZ-Threadsâ„¢. Waste my hard found and 5 star videos so it will be swallowed in spam. Or explain the difficulties of learning a new language or defeating a mental disorder and expecting credit. Or living in poverty and escaping. So I must fall through the cracks to wait for praise and attention from people like you that pretend to be my friend?
I make my own way. I prefer to have enemies. Simpler. The knife in in my face, rather than my back.The Wizard of AAHZ
This is why "friends" are fvcking garbage and why I threw all of mine away IRL. Even my own gang doesn't approach me. I don't trust ANYBODY. You are all backstabbers with your own agendas.
I commune with Gods. I speak their language now. You are now another crumpled piece of my history in the waste bin.The Wizard of AAHZ
And now, because unlike you I am trustworthy and do what I say and can be looked in the eye and BELIEVED... I will show you the deal. But you will just drink your Greek filth liquor and spam and fvck around and not bother to listen like usual. And pretend to be my friend, and lie to me and think bad things about me while posting good ones. So I give you a taste of my world. Not one you dream about that gets you through the day, but one I actually lived. And here is some more "Muslim" filth for you also, you ignorant trash.
לשרוף תוֹלַעַתAnybody Can Get It *Watch in HQ*The Wizard of AAHZ