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AAHZ: The Relapse

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  • AAHZ: The Relapse

    So soem of you may have noticed my toned-down poasts this month. No calling Elok a nerd. No man-boobs in he word-thrade. No threatening to ban Ming. Why, you may ask? I am hesitant to answer, but knowing what I know now, the repercussions be damned. I'm ready...

    I am being trained by Beelzebub. That's right. Thing is, I was always being trained, I just nevar knew it. Trained for what, I still don't know. Maybe I am his son, maybe I am cursed, who knows. And it took 40 years of having my body and mind broken before I realized the first lesson... Humility. All the horrible **** in my life could have been avoided had I realized this. With this knowledge I now have, my entire perspective on life has changed. With no ego, an ego cannot be bruised. There is no depression. There is no seeking glory and fame. And let me say soem supernatural **** has happened to AAHZ at work, and in daily life that proves my theory. I am dangerous. I will not get into specifics.

    I thought this was all another AAHZ-Delusionâ„¢ since I didn't take my pills for 2 weeks when I discovered this. Then I took my pills and I still believed it. It is now a religious conviction. And why humility, you ask? Why would soemone who is being trained by Ba'al be the opposite of what you would expect: a blithering, blathering, ego maniac? It actually makes perfect sense. If I am right, and I do have the powar of Beelzebub flowing through me, he would WANT soemone who can HANDLE such a demanding and gracious honor. All these raving lunatics you see on the street? All these so-called devil-worshippers you see dressed in black with their painted fingernails and their pentagram-rituals? They cannot handle this type of powar. They may have even tried to conjure him up, to their misery. I am not even sure of the powar I have, but it seems to be centered on living beings. Controlling people's emotions and health, moastly subconsciously and after the fact. Hard to explain since I really do not have a handle on it yet myself. After all I have only now learned the first lesson.

    So what kind of teacher is Beelzebub? He is a ruthless cheater. He feeds your delusions and thoughts so you fail. He destroys things in your life. He sends "demons" after you in the form of nasty people. But I have gotten now to where I can spot a "Ba'al thought" coming on and shut it down. Moastly these are what-if scenarios. He loves those. And I can now defeat any demon he throws at me by being humble and knowing that he is doing this for a reason. And if he destroys moar of my stuff, thank you. That is an impoartant lesson of not being so dependent on material things.

    This is big time baby. This is soem high-powared super-duper shiznit going on right now. And I am only making this thrade for 2 reasons: I have been drinking, and I want to poast soem of my videos.

    Order of the Fly
    Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.

  • #2
    and if he gets mad at me for poasting this thrade? Bring it on fat-boy.

    Order of the Fly
    Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


    • #3
      I also cannot tell you how frustrating it is to be constantly raped by this mothefuccer. In every aspect of my life to be humiliated just to be "taught" soem fuccing lesson. I cannot wait till the day I grind this motherfuccers face into the goddamn ground. I will have no mercy either. I will destroy this goddamn FLY. I am beyond pissed.

      Order of the Fly
      Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


      • #4
        or maybe AAHZ is just plain insane.

        Order of the Fly
        Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


        • #5
          another thing I have learned, during my recent revelations, is how completely and utterly alone I am in my convictions. The look of abject terror on people's faces that know me, to people so wrapped up in their petty and useless little lives, to the day-to-day mundane bull**** that people think is so impoartant. That's fine. AAHZ is on a different mission in life. Label me a lunatic, feed me pills, and keep me in at arms length. Have cops follow me home every night thinking I am going to rob or murder soembody since I am a known banger. I agree with all of you.

          AAHZ IS the bad guy. AAHZ IS a modern day Manson. Be glad I have no followers. They are too scared of me. So it's just me and THE 'BUB

          My training. Even when I get pissed at him, curse him out, get drunk and break **** around the house, I still come back home to 'papa. He is my master. My Ba'al. He understands, even when I don't (which is moast of the time.) So, yeah, just chalk up this thrade up to moar raving from a psychopath. Best for both of us.

          TRUST ME.
          Order of the Fly
          Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


          • #6
            There we go. Got a fitting avatar to make everyone happy. Draw soem lines in the sand and ****. I'm just waiting for the day I get to smoke a blunt with Beelzebub.

            Order of the Fly
            Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


            • #7
              I have gained a little weight...


              • #8
                Keep in mind this thrade is simply a relapse, not my normal behaviour anymoar.

                TBH I have already defeated Ba'al. I am just very grateful to him for trying to destroy me.
                Order of the Fly
                Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.

