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  • barcelona

    been there twice for business.

    las ramblas great pedestrian street. goes from plaza catalunia to the harbor and the statue of christopher columbus

  • #2
    I drunk some sangria (it's spain) in plaza catalunia then walked for an hour in las ramblas have great pictures.


    • #3
      brussels, barcelona and next paris

      I hope they once would send me somewhere without danger

      feat. Eminem from the movie 8 MILENo copyright infringement intended. All contents belong to its rightful owners. This is for entertainment purposes only.


      • #4
        Aye, also have been to Barcelona once.
        Walked over Las Ramblas, been to L'Aquarium and to the City Zoo (to visit Nfumu, Snmowflake, the worlds only Albino gorilla (now deceased, unfortunately)) and ate in a nice restaurent in the Barre Gótic.

        Funny enough I haven't been to La Sagrada Familia ... time was limited and the Aquarium and the Zoo were more important to me.
        Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
        Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


        • #5
          Yeah I was to go to the sagrada familia with some hot girl from work...
          but I thought of the SO and didn't go

          I was stupid like that


          • #6

            in germany I was in berlin before the fall of the wall. I was very little.

            I remember western berlin full of drugs, punks **** western berlin

            eastern berlin was serene. bookstores, calm nice neighborhoods.

            I remember we had to walk through a snake like corridor to to the east berlin. our passports gave us access.

            Hmmmmm once again in germany just crossing by

            In a motel/restaurant in the middle of nowhere.

            I was scared.

            I was never scared anywhere in europe but in germany.

            a woman who lookedlike a dude, a transvestite?

            never afraid ANYWHERE in europe BUT in germany

            maybe the belgian channels palyed too many movies from ww2 who knows


            • #7
              in eastern berlin the woman asked me what I weanted

              i said a coca cola (I was 8)

              She looked puzzled.

              My mom gave a different order

              something resembling a coke came


              • #8
                I remember the wall full of grafiti in wetern berlin

                drug addicts puking in the streets punks with their **** hair glued up

                I remember eastern berlin calm humane, peaceful

                And a musem in western berlin about families divided

                actually everything was dirty comapred to brussels.
                london berlin athens amsterdam paris you name it

