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It's time to write a manifesto

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  • It's time to write a manifesto

    I realized after reading this article that you aren't one of the cool people unless you have written a manifesto. So it's time to write one.
    Executives at Google have responded to a manifesto by one of its male engineers that argues women are ill-suited for tech jobs due to "biological" reasons.

    Seriously though why does CNN call it a manifesto and not a letter? CNN has really gotten goofy this past year. It's not official corporate policy, so the word manifesto should not be used. See the dictionary dot com definition.

    1. a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization.

    I think all the Trump bashing has gotten CNN all goofy. Something written by one person doesn't seem to qualify as being a manifesto. Except for those sovereign nation crazy guys out west, they qualify. Last time I really remember the news using this word is with the Unabomber manifesto. So CNN is comparing male chauvinists to terrorists, interesting.

    So if you were to write a manifesto, what would it be about? If you were to go off your rocker, and start blowing up stuff, what would you rail on about? For me, I'd have to think about it. But first thing that comes to mind is loud hip-hop music. Or loud music of any kind when I'm trying to sleep. If only I could blow up every single car that has a loud stereo system. I'd blow them up when they aren't in it of course. I'm not a murderer. Keeping someone awake when they are trying to sleep counts as torture I'm sure by the Geneva Convention (I'm just pulling this out of my ass, I'm not sure if that is actually in there), thereby, I should be justified to kill anyone who is torturing me. I'll need a good lawyer for that one.

    So feel free to air your grievances in this thread. Any and all manifestos are welcome.

  • #2
    Rare Dis activity detected!

    I was under the impression that anything posted here at poly has manifesto-qualities.

    But I'm all for more manifestos (manifesti? manifestae? manifestoes?), so here's mine:

    I'm totally opposed to ppl wearing hats or caps *all the time* when they're not required to, esp. when it's not exactly cold and ppl are inside rooms/whatever. This goes both for cliché right wing-nuts wearing basecaps ALL THE FRIGGIN' TIME (dunno if this is global, but some right-wing/neonazi types in Ger do) as well as for cliché lefties who think wearing those funny chullos all day is a heroic way of resisting them capitalist oppressors or something

    Join my crusade and send me money!



    • #3
      Or it could be that they're just lazy and don't want to have to fiddle with their hair.
      While during the work week, I shower every day and brush my hair, on weekends sometimes I'm more relaxed and just put on a golf hat. (even if I don't go out to golf)
      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        I would just like a portable EMP gun. Some huge capacitor connected to a directional radio dish. No need to blow up the cars when I can just short out their electronics.
        “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

        ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


        • #5

          I dunno, manifestos as screeds against the people who are doing it wrong isn't really my thing. I realized in therapy yesterday that I have become almost pathologically incapable of directly saying that what someone else has done is wrong (unless it concerns, like, my brother or BK). Like, I was discussing in therapy a ****ty email I got from someone, and the way I described the ****tiness of this email was, "I showed the email to my friend, and my friend went, 'Wow, that's really inappropriate.'" And as I was saying this, I kind of realized how silly it all was. I wasn't able to just say, "This person was being ****ty in that email." I had to use a friend's words to do it.

          I know I've swung too far in the other direction, but it's pretty clear to me that this trend is a reaction to my youthful misanthropy. When I was young, I was so full of... jesus christ, I'm just going to quote Social Distortion here:

          Originally posted by Social Distortion
          When I was young, I was so full of fear
          I hid behind anger, held back the tears
          It was me against the world, I was sure that I'd win
          The world fought back, punished me for my sins
          I felt so alone, so insecure, I blamed you instead and made sure I was heard
          And they tried to warn me of my evil ways
          But I couldn't hear what they had to say

          I was wrong, self destruction's got me again
          I was wrong, I realized now that I was wrong

          And I think about my loves, well I've had a few
          I'm sorry that I hurt them, did I hurt you too
          I took what I wanted, put my heart on the shelf
          How can ya love me when you don't love yourself
          Yeah, that about sums it up. I was a really angry kid, and what the **** did that ever get me? I was the problem. I was the **** up. So nowadays I have a strong aversion to directing my anger out toward others. (Which means I often end up directing it inward and hating myself instead. Oops.)

          But I've also noticed that I now have very little patience for people who are always pointing out how ****ed up X is, or how the problem is just that people Y are so stupid. Like, come on, don't you have anything better to do than complain about the world? Don't you think that maybe there are reasons why things are the way they are, and those reasons probably (a) have nothing to do with you and (b) aren't evil? Focus on fixing your own ****, dude. If you can only ever find fault with others, maybe the common factor is you, ****head.

          Okay, there's a screed against people who are doing it wrong. But it's not so secretly directed at myself and my brother.
          Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
          "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


          • #6
            OP is a manifesto on manifestos! Good to see you Dis


            • #7
              The unibomber wrote a manifesto so not everyone who writes a manifesto is cool.
              Try for discussion and debate.

