For the past several weeks I've been jogging in the morning about 3 times per week for roughly 35 minutes. Because I'm a lazy, out-of-shape slob, I'm not actually running the whole time. I run for a bit, walk, then run again. I think it's about 50/50. Anyway, at first I would stop running when I was out of breath. But after doing it for a few weeks, that's no longer the limiting factor. Now, I stop running when my shins start to hurt.
It's a soreness all down the front of my lower legs. It mostly goes away as soon as I stop running, but if I try to push past it it becomes a really unpleasant burning. Some googling says the culprit is probably shin splints and this is a thing that happens.
So, anybody dealt with this before? Have suggestions? Have their own feeble attempt to stave off premature death?
Some possibly relevant factors:
(1) I do stretch beforehand. I probably don't know what I'm doing.
(2) I have very flat feet.
(3) My shoes are not in any sense athletic shoes.
(4) I probably don't actually know how to run properly.
It's a soreness all down the front of my lower legs. It mostly goes away as soon as I stop running, but if I try to push past it it becomes a really unpleasant burning. Some googling says the culprit is probably shin splints and this is a thing that happens.
So, anybody dealt with this before? Have suggestions? Have their own feeble attempt to stave off premature death?
Some possibly relevant factors:
(1) I do stretch beforehand. I probably don't know what I'm doing.
(2) I have very flat feet.
(3) My shoes are not in any sense athletic shoes.
(4) I probably don't actually know how to run properly.