I bought it before my son was born, and he's five, so right on schedule there. It's not dying particularly dramatically, but every now and then it'll give me the Blue Screen out of nowhere. The PC won't be struggling or taxing its abilities, I'll be doing whatever and get the blue screen. It says something like "the PC has suffered a critical error and must shut down to prevent damage to your computer. BAD KERNEL [SOMETHING]." Then a page of jargon, followed by something like "dumping physical memory" and a number that increments up somewhat rapidly. Then the computer reboots. It'd be nice if I could get a screencap, but I think BSODs preclude that, and it happens too rarely (maybe once a week) for me to get a good idea of what it's saying. I don't imagine this is helpful enough to pinpoint a specific cause, but what should I start looking at, and is this likely to be fixable? I don't need to upgrade performance or anything, I don't have time to play games anymore these days. I only need to use OpenOffice and access the internet, more or less.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that twice this has happened while watching videos, and both times the audio switched to a loud and grating buzzing noise a couple of seconds before the BSOD hit. The noise persisted through the BSOD, but could be turned off by muting the speakers (ie, it wasn't mechanical grinding of parts inside the computer). In case that matters.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that twice this has happened while watching videos, and both times the audio switched to a loud and grating buzzing noise a couple of seconds before the BSOD hit. The noise persisted through the BSOD, but could be turned off by muting the speakers (ie, it wasn't mechanical grinding of parts inside the computer). In case that matters.