Originally posted by Kidicious
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But I should start with the beginning:
The big advantage of Islam, of course is, that its holy book actually was written during the lifetime of its prophet.
Which actually leaves not so much guesswork about its intentions (still enough to let muslims have a Diaspora and split into the 2 large sects the Shia and Sunni)
Cannot say the same of Judaism and Christianity.
The books of the christian bible only ere created after the death of its prophet and many important customs (and especially the split with Judaism) developed when Jesus was already dead.
Similary the most holy book in Judaism, the Torah (i.e. the 5 boks of Moses) reportedly have (according to bible science) undergone several periods of editing, many of them probably in order to turn YHWH from a god within a Pantheon (who also had a wife, Asherah) into a single god without any gods besides himm an to let it appar as if the history of polytheism didn't exist in judaic faith.
It is a fact that Islam bases its roots on Judaism and Christianity.
The whole religion is mostly a mix of Muhammeds ideas of Judaism and Christianity, mixed with local traditions/customs of the tribes he lived wth.
Therefore, due to its fundament of course, it shares the same problems as Judaism and Christianity and it would be an idiocy if someone would claim that islam is more "divine" or more "true" than christianity or judaism
So, IMHO all 3 religions of the book share the same problem/s
As for trinity ... well, the idea of trinity is something that doesn't seem to be shared among all sects of early (and current) christianity. In early christianity there coexisted different forms oof belief with regards to the god, holy spirit, Jesus ... and it wasn't until the 4th century, that all forms of belieef that aberred from trinity were considered anathema.
Also, Judaism (as mother religion) doesn't have any form of trinitarian belief.
Therefore I cannot say that the trinitarian belief system (of most of current christianity) makes it "more" divine than judaism (or islam) (although, of course, the trinitarian belief makes it stand out from the the other 2 religions)