Aeson, the behavior you are describing is inconsistent with the observed behavior of human beings basically throughout history, barring small communities where personal bonds of trust and the possibility of effective policing allow collectivist behavior. Even then, communes and collectives often fall apart. Certainly we've never cooperated properly on a global level when our individual interests were at stake. Consider the UN; it would have been a powerful deterrent to war if it had teeth, but it never even got off the ground as the League of Nations, and its final incarnation was scarcely better. Nobody wants to surrender national sovereignty to strangers, or pay large amounts of money to a body whose decisions are made largely by others, including their historical enemies.
Our present course of action WRT climate change is still more constructive. The pains of comprehensive restructuring would be worthless unless most of the other large countries of the world did so at the same time--an enormous undertaking. There's an obvious benefit to not being constrained in growth when everybody else is. And nobody is really quite certain just how bad climate change will be. So everybody waits for somebody else to do something about it, even though that's not sensible behavior in the long run. Because people do not assume the ultra-long view, and the reason they don't is that it's impractical.
As a matter of fact, research into human enhancement will almost certainly be funded by the military--I'd be amazed if they weren't doing it already--as it has obvious military implications and the military has deeper pockets (in America, at least) than anybody else. Barring military involvement, the technology would still be prohibitively expensive for some time, and assuming it's actually possible and powerful in the sense you imagine there'd be no good reason to make it available to the little people. No society's elites have ever willingly surrendered their dominance.
Finally, greater intelligence does not necessarily yield greater compassion or maturity; your experience with this site should have taught you that!
Our present course of action WRT climate change is still more constructive. The pains of comprehensive restructuring would be worthless unless most of the other large countries of the world did so at the same time--an enormous undertaking. There's an obvious benefit to not being constrained in growth when everybody else is. And nobody is really quite certain just how bad climate change will be. So everybody waits for somebody else to do something about it, even though that's not sensible behavior in the long run. Because people do not assume the ultra-long view, and the reason they don't is that it's impractical.
As a matter of fact, research into human enhancement will almost certainly be funded by the military--I'd be amazed if they weren't doing it already--as it has obvious military implications and the military has deeper pockets (in America, at least) than anybody else. Barring military involvement, the technology would still be prohibitively expensive for some time, and assuming it's actually possible and powerful in the sense you imagine there'd be no good reason to make it available to the little people. No society's elites have ever willingly surrendered their dominance.
Finally, greater intelligence does not necessarily yield greater compassion or maturity; your experience with this site should have taught you that!