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Has Star Wars always made no sense?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Elok View Post
    His beliefs to the contrary notwithstanding, not EVERYTHING has to be about Trump.
    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


    • #17
      Well, to say something regarding OP:
      The most unlogical thing IMHO was the Starkiller Beam in TFA.

      Aside from its beam spreading in order to hit every single moon of Rebel Main planet at Hosnian Prime ... when targeting Hosnian Prime (and its moons) from acrosss the galaxy (which would require really good knowledge about the current position of planet and moons, gravitation fields along the beams path and so on, considering it is targeted across the galaxy, there also is the issue of the Starkiller Beams visibility.
      Even according to the Official Map the planets of Takodana (Where Maz Katnata has her Hideout), D'Quar (where Leias Rebel Group has her base) and Hosnian Prime (Main Planet of the New Republic) are in totally different arms of the galaxy (with Hosnian being near the center cluster and the other 2 planets being around Stars in outer arms).
      So one can guess that the planets are not hundreds, but even thousands of lightyears away.

      The Starkiller Base actually lies further away at a totally different galactic arm.

      Nevertheless people on Takodana as well as D'Quar are able to see the beam of the Starkiller Base ... and not only as a tiny dot moving aacross the sky, but actually as a beam.
      Hm ... lets assume for fun, that the beam of Starkiller base actually is bright enough to be seen across the galaxy (I guess that would mean that it is so bright, that every planet around stars within a few lightears around the beams path gets cooked), then the fact that it can be seen as a lengthy beam from Takodana and D'Quar would mean, that the beam itself must be, at a minimum, tens of lightyears long.

      And of course even this doesn't address the most unlogical thing (about being able to see the Starkiller beam on Takodana or D'Quar):
      Considering the distance (i.e. hundreds or even thousands of lightyears) between these planets, people on Takodana or D'Quar wouldn't see the Starkiller beam until hundreds or thousands of years (after Hosnian Primes destruction) have passed (hell, even if D'Quar and Takodana wwere around stars in the immediate neighborhood of Hosnian Prime, several years would pass till they see the beam and the light flash of Hosnian primes explosion)
      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


      • #18
        I guess the speed of light is extremely high in Star Wars, I don't know why they needed to invent FTL travel


        • #19
          Something I don't understand about The Empire Strikes Back: how does Darth Vader know that Han Solo and Leia Organa are Luke's friends and will work as bait to lure Luke?


          • #20
            The Empire hacked some rebel droids or somesuch.


            • #21
              Why wouldn't he? Han can't have been completely unknown to the Empire; Jabba was POed at him because he dumped cargo before his ship got boarded. The Falcon had to shoot its way out of a stormtrooper trap on Mos Eisley--they must have had some inkling of what the ship was and who owned her, if only after the fact. Certainly Vader was unlikely to forget her, as she spent several eventful hours aboard the Death Star and then knocked him flying into deep space shortly after. He knows for a fact that Luke was there with Obi-Wan on the Leia rescue mission. He'd have to be kind of dumb not to piece things together, wouldn't he?
              1011 1100
              Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


              • #22
                Also, no part of TFA makes sense, Starkiller beam included. Consider the title, for example; in what sense did the Force awaken?
                1011 1100
                Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                • #23
                  I don't worry about details, such as the laws of physics, when watching a movie.

                  I "suspend my disbelief" and enjoy the movie.

                  I didn't have a problem with Rambo shooting down an helicopter with a little bow and arrow. I won't have a problem with a starkiller beam.

                  Anyway whenever we have an alien invasion, them critters defeat the combined military of the whole world. And then Arnie or Sly punch them all in face so they lose and go back to their home planet.


                  • #24
                    You say that as though there's some reason why visual excitement and basic sense must be mutually exclusive or work against each other. Plenty of movies have had both action sequences and reasonable plots (Terminator, Predator, and Die Hard come to mind). As CG effects get ever cheaper and more powerful, to the point where directors can integrate barely imaginable scenes seamlessly into their movies and even (in Rogue One) digitally simulate two dead actors, the possibilities for inventive storytelling expand vastly. Instead we get lazy stitchwork. It's not like competent writers are as expensive as major actors or SFX sequences.
                    1011 1100
                    Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                    • #25
                      I quite agree Elok.

                      I much prefer movies that do make sense.

                      That said, I have very low expectations of realism if I am watching something like a Stallone movie. For those sort of movies I merely expect lots of explosions and gunfights with little concern for plot, realism or dialogue. (Yes, I enjoyed those stupid movies such as Rambo).

                      It is a question of "expectations".

                      BTW I enjoyed the Dr Who series even though the idea of flying about through space and time in a phone box is absurd.

                      Area Nine was a good movie of aliens coming to earth. No laws of physics were broken and it was plausible in all respects.


                      • #26
                        With Star Wars they do have something of a script to keep to.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Elok View Post
                          Also, no part of TFA makes sense, Starkiller beam included. Consider the title, for example; in what sense did the Force awaken?
                          That actually is something that may be explained away:
                          The force awakens in/with Rey ... first her force skill of being able to fly totally everything (hell, she was able to fly the Millenium Falcon from the beginning on, with only a few scratches to the paint), then force induced visions .. and finally the light sabre fight, where she demonstrates that she is abe to wield a light sabre without amputating herself (which is said to be rather diffficult for a non force user) ... and also to telekinetically grab a light saber from a distance.

                          Also the movie starts the search for Luke Skywalker, the last kown Jedi Master (who, before that, just was stuff for legends)
                          (I don't think that Kylo Ren counts ... he seems to be more known for his brutality and his fits of rage against the furniture, than for his force tricks (despite being able to do some impressive feats, likee stopping blaster bolts) ... he seems to be more recognized as lap dog of General Hux, than as Lord of the Sith (Similar to the situation of Darth Vader in ANH))
                          Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                          Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


                          • #28
                            Yeaaaahhhh not buying it. That title is misleading at best, by hiding the transitive nature of the verb "awakens." The Force Awakens, not in the sense of some new discovery about the nature of it or a change in its relationship with the galaxy--which the title would seem to imply--but in the much less exciting sense of "the Force tells some kid we know nothing about that she's a Jedi." That's borderline Obi-Wan levels of bull****.
                            1011 1100
                            Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                            • #29
                              It's kind of like if The Man Who Knew Too Much was about a guy who got shot by the angry loser of a bar trivia contest. Yes, it's sort of technically an accurate title, but it's promising something rather different from what it delivers.
                              1011 1100
                              Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                              • #30
                                Ok and what the hell is a phantom menace?

