Of course ignore the article, it's biased.
I always thought. The socialist leader of albania was a cool guy. Supported by the greek minority there, remade tirana. Cool guy you know.
But then he started acting all strange, claiming (along turkey) lands of greece, annuling sea territorial agreements, demolishing greek homes (for "tourism" (sic).
I said, what the ****.
And at last, it is explained.
Russia moves to the balkans. US is again using the albanians as leverage for her nefarious purposes.
those killers will stop at nothing and they are everywhere.
I'm not talking about regular albanians. those are cool.
it's the nationalistic part of them that has both US and turkey on its side that i'm worried about.
and basically, everyone is worried about it.
serbia, greece, fyromulandia, montenegro.... you name it
I hope things will remain... calm