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Free Speech is so invigorating!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by BeBro View Post
    I opress free speech by disagreeing. Works like a charm
    I'm bebro and I'm cute
    I really don't understand how things work
    I make small jokes and I'm a real cutie

    I took food rations when I was under the bootie.
    But then we got freed (wooo) and life was wonderful
    until Schoible sold everything we had
    And now we've been had
    with a quality of life lower than most eastern euros

    my compatriots go around looking for scikle and hammers
    (or swastikas the dumb ones)

    I really thought the world should be great fun and open
    I can't understand why people are so rotten


    • #32
      Originally posted by N35t0r View Post
      Like all Chinese walls.
      I'm pchang
      I'm chinese
      you can tell by the name
      (among other things)

      I think I'm rich and so I tell it
      I've had so much racism thrown to my face
      I often yell it

      I too am a useless ****
      mainly because of the racism thrown in my back

      and dinner is my friend
      no need to tell more , I bend

      In my effort to blend in
      I often piss in public and got a fat chin
      But that doesn't seem enough
      Maybe I should just go ahead and draft


      • #33
        Originally posted by The Mad Monk View Post
        Yes, leaving the non-fascist Americans in control!
        I'm mad monk
        I'm kind of weird
        I didn't used to
        It just appeared

        I'm really clueless
        but I'm a cow
        You can't expect me
        to think much about

        I try hard to be funny
        But I often think
        maybe I should go out and find a honey

        I work at a factory and make tins
        watch japanese mangas and think of teens

        I also never maintain my car
        I leave it to God to watch my back
        But one day he was sleeping
        and off to the curve I was sweeping

        I asked my cow why was that
        and all she said was
        please don't get fat


        • #34
          Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
          I've been to Los Angeles, so it's clear that Oerdin would be an expert on detecting public urination.
          You piss that much?

          Oh that's right... Don't worry, I answered my own question.


          • #35
            that's the reason dinner gets fatter by the hour
            lots of piss straight to his ****ing mouth

            also his father probably went to the cheapest most run down places leaving the rest 99% of piss free athens unexplored.
            his two dollar whore, judging from his son, didn't mind


            • #36
              hey ****er



              • #37
                keep the towels


                • #38
                  I see you have been drinking again. I truly hope ypu get help, dude, because you have really gone off the deep end. Also, let us not forget ypu actually are the racist here and that is why you have been repeatedly banned in the past for racism.
                  Last edited by Dinner; September 25, 2016, 20:57.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • #39
                    U mad bro?
                    No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.

