I would have just bumped my last NS movie thread, but I couldn't find the stupid thing. Feel free to bump it if you have better search-fu and want to show me up. Anyway:
Wow. I'm generally optimistic. This same team did a fine job on Apollo 13, and the good part of Seveneves is basically Apollo 13 with way, way, way higher stakes. And then there's the last third, where a ragtag batch of transhumans dick around aimlessly in a fascinating fantasy world that would have been a great setting for a whole separate book. So basically, if they want to use that world and build an actual plot around it, they'll have a hard time doing worse than the source material.
Wow. I'm generally optimistic. This same team did a fine job on Apollo 13, and the good part of Seveneves is basically Apollo 13 with way, way, way higher stakes. And then there's the last third, where a ragtag batch of transhumans dick around aimlessly in a fascinating fantasy world that would have been a great setting for a whole separate book. So basically, if they want to use that world and build an actual plot around it, they'll have a hard time doing worse than the source material.