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AAHZ-Thradeâ„¢: War for Reality
Sorry for the delay, but AAHZ's anti-psychotics make him very sluggish. Especially now that I am on vacation, I was out-cold for the better part of a day. Regardless, here is what I have promised...
How is this possible, you ask? The figure we know as 'Jesus.' Jesus was just an ambassador. When YHWH feels that a certain species is ready for recruitment, Jesus is sent to spread the word of Angels and Heaven. They may be completely different in appearance and name and even outside the bounds of what we consider Heavenly or Angelic. The entire structure of the religion may be different but the result is clear: Those loyal to 'YHWH' or whatever name(s) Jesus chooses to promote goes to a 'Heavenly' type place. Their structure of 'Hell' may be different or may not even exist in that religion. This goes for Islam, Hinduism, and other religions on Earth as well. And that is just fine by YHWH. But this goes both ways...
Satan also sends an ambassador to some species. Maybe those HE feels is worthy to join the ranks of Demons in Hell. A species where YHWH, the creator, is actually the evil one and Satan, the hero, is going to rid the Universe(s) of YHWH's horrible and hypocritical presence. Of course the names and structures are different to the point that if Humans ever made contact with this species it would be near impossible for a Satan worshiper of Earth and a Satan worshiper of an alien species to be recognizable to each-other. And again that is just fine because...
This Universe is just an 'arena' anyway. Maybe that's why YHWH made this Universe so big as to intentionally AVOID conflict between his worshipers of different species. Maybe Satan WANTS this conflict and is trying to start a great Universal War to further throw a wrench into YHWH's plans. I was going to cover a couple other topics in this chapter, but I think it's time to 'reflect' on this knowledge that AAHZ has given to you. Much moar to come.
window to the soul.The Wizard of AAHZ
First off let me say that, in observation, somebody somewhere out there REALLY likes this AAHZ-Thrade™, and it ain't just AAHZ. It is my pleasure to educate people on the REALITY of our existence as well as dropping some of the hardest gangsta rap bangers of all time. But with no further ado...
How, you say? With Humans as a capitalistic society? My dear lurkers, humans ARE a caste. Dogs are a caste. Cockroaches are a caste. And all life, in YHWH's eyes are part of "the game". As I covered in previous chapters we get reborn when we die, either in this universe or in YHWH's. But sometimes when we come back here, we might not get so lucky as to become a human. Hitler might have come back as a snail, if Satan ever gave him a chance to come back at all. We might come back as some alien species, on some far away galaxy. It's all fair game. A very BIG game.
So don't think that all these wonderful celebrities are so TALENTED and such to deserve our undying praise forever. It means nothing, and they mean nothing, compared to the ultimate reason we exist here at all... to become Angels or Demons in the Great War in YHWH's Universe. So why are humans so special?
Humans have the capacity to make spiritual decisions based on our "sentience." We are the ultimate test, to see what side we will pick in The Great War based on the information given to us in this life of YHWH or Satan's existence. And as I covered, being reborn here is a "Hell" all in it's own... if nothing else than the fear of death and losing our "Wonderful" lives and the uncertainty of what comes after...
Well AAHZ has GIVEN you the answer. And I am right. If you don't believe me and want to continue your life in fear of death and "blissful" ignorance as to the reason you are here at all, be my guest... if you haven't chosen a side already that is. And if you HAVE chosen a side, make sure you are TRUE and faithful and not just doing it for "insurance" reasons.
coming up... YHWH's true motives.The Wizard of AAHZ
I disagree. This is an excellent sandwich.Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
"We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld
Your poasts have always been a bit above my head, I admit, and that one is no exception. But let me just officially welcome you to my AAHZ-Thrade™ (The first one you have poasted in in recent memory if i recall) and urge you to continue poasting here!
New AAHZ-Theory™ either tonight or tomorrow, (I am a bit tied up tonight.)The Wizard of AAHZ
No, actually, that milkshake is from Friday, not yesterday.Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
"We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld
Are you some kind of idiot? The answer to this weekend's question was B, the electron.Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
"We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld