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Kansas Senate Leader Bans Women from Wearing “Low-Cut Necklines and Mini-Skirts” at Hearings

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  • #31
    Originally posted by NICE MOBIUS View Post
    Beats me why the extremists of both Islam and Christianity don't get along when they essentially believe the same things?
    They are the same and are running a symbiotic relationship as all extremes usually are.
    The one feeds the other.
    They are to be ignored.


    • #32
      Although maybe extremist muslims are less racist?

      I saw "sweet birth of youth" and it was written in 1962 where in the south senators were talking about the need to keep the "white blood" clean and proclaimed to be "christians"

      Nazi germany alive and well 25 years after its defeat

      I don't think there's such ideology in muslamic law


      • #33
        Originally posted by Elok View Post
        Well, if you leave out the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, most aspects of the life of Christ, and the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, Muslims are basically sort of like a really weird Christian sect that swapped out the Mosaic Law we mostly discarded for a vaguely similar Arabic one, and follows customs derived from Arabian paganism. So yes, it's totally baffling that our respective extremists don't get along. Maybe it's the thousand-plus years of on-and-off warfare spoiling it?
        Sorry Elok, in Kid's eyes you have made a massive sin there because he simply doesn't believe that muslims and christians believe in the same god.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
          Although maybe extremist muslims are less racist?

          I saw "sweet birth of youth" and it was written in 1962 where in the south senators were talking about the need to keep the "white blood" clean and proclaimed to be "christians"

          Nazi germany alive and well 25 years after its defeat

          I don't think there's such ideology in muslamic law
          Depends on time period. Early on converts of all kinds were treated poorly, and the Berbers in particular were so scorned by the Arabs that they revolted en masse. After that they settled down a bit, and allowed for pretty much complete racial equality in the sense that, like the Christians, they took slaves of whatever race they could get (though the Arabian Nights includes some fairly virulent hatred of Blacks and Jews). I get the impression their society was much less divided by class, at least at some periods, than medieval Europe. It was entirely possible for the children of slaves to achieve important positions or even become Caliph, for example.
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          • #35
            I don't know.
            Is there an equivalent in 1960's of a muslim country saying "we have to keep our white blood clean"?


            • #36
              because I think that's the only thing missing for ben (or like minded) to be happy in muslamic law.
              They ban gays, treat women as inferiors, hate free speech, fight against the "modern world" and all its depravity.

              The only thing missing is "white blood clean"

              in other words ben (and like minded) are muslamic infidels in a world where luckily the state laws are above (their) religious wants. They are slaves of the modern world, angry in their powerless inactivity, rendered docile by the rule of law

              angry impotent little al kaidas


              • #37
                The problem with Kansas - is that it borders Oklahoma.

                The stupid is bound to leak across the borders...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by NICE MOBIUS View Post
                  Beats me why the extremists of both Islam and Christianity don't get along when they essentially believe the same things?
                  They don't believe in peace


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by The Mad Monk View Post
                    Rest assured, most of Kansas is thoroughly embarrassed by this.
                    But not enough to vote him out of office, I bet.
                    “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

                    ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                      I don't know.
                      Is there an equivalent in 1960's of a muslim country saying "we have to keep our white blood clean"?
                      Well, IIRC as the Ottomans declined they got frightfully trigger-happy towards minorities in general. The Almohads were pretty nasty, but I think mostly on religious rather than strictly racial grounds. The Jim Crow South should be understood as the behavior of an elite class towards a long-oppressed but large and increasingly restive underclass. Spartans and helots.

                      I'm not aware of any particularly good parallel in Muslim history; a lot of their slaves occupied positions of surprising responsibility and even authority (mamluks, jannisaries, ghilnam). With the weird result that slave revolts tended to either succeed or become unnecessary as the slaves subverted the very system that enslaved them. I recall reading of a slave revolt by black slaves cutting sugar cane somewhere at some point in the middle ages, but I don't remember the details.
                      1011 1100
                      Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by NASTY MOBIUS View Post
                        The problem with Kansas - is that it borders Oklahoma.

                        The stupid is bound to leak across the borders...
                        Is there an intended purpose for Nasty Mobius? Nice Mobius is nastier than Nasty Mobius.
                        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                        • #42
                          The ottomans were not "ethnic cleansers". They had to adopt the western idea of nation to do that (from the greeks, as it were)

                          For example in macedonia (at large) when various balkan states were fighting for dominance and forming ethnic identities they asked the villagers: are you greek or bulgarian?

                          "Uhm.... we don't know. We're christian though, that's for sure. Not turks"

                          Greeks being the first and very succesful independent nation state builder of SE Europe (russian ambassadors, secret undercover societies, hellenic enlightment, playing with both the conservative romantics and the liberals of western europe to force allegiance through the rampant phillelinism of the time) introduced the nation in that part of the world.

                          Modern turkey was born out of an all out defensive war against invading greeks.
                          They adopted their norms subsequently, that led to the intolerance of anyone but a turk from the neoturks

                          Not saying that greeks are responsible, because they are not.
                          just that islam had **** all to do with that.

                          It was national identity.
                          Last edited by Bereta_Eder; February 1, 2016, 14:14.


                          • #43
                            Well, it's not like Christianity as such had a whole lot to do with slavery or Jim Crow, either. Some Christians are/were adamantly for them; some were adamantly against. The Bible is rather ambiguous on the matter. Not totally sure what you're going for here, but it feels like you're trying to squeeze history into a preconceived cops-and-robbers narrative.
                            1011 1100
                            Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                            • #44
                              Not going for anything.
                              Just that it was interesting to see nazi germany in the south and with a spice of "christianity" added


                              • #45
                                No, the thing about Nazi Germany is that it was really very singularly horrible; very few other societies even come close to being so abjectly and across-the-board ****ty. The South did not invade all its neighbors, seek to exterminate whole races, try to reinvent human society into a giant death machine, etc. It was Christian because everything was Christian back then.

                                That's something we have a hard time comprehending today, now that the Enlightenment has done its work and we think of religion as a small subset of opinions held in addition to consensus reality: when a religion is truly dominant in a society, everything gets interpreted in light of that religion, no matter how seemingly silly or irrelevant to religion per se. As an extreme example, both graham crackers and breakfast cereal were invented as part of a kooky health craze aimed mostly at preventing people from masturbating. Modern diet fads tend to emphasize sin prevention a bit less . . .
                                1011 1100
                                Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel

