Several years ago I was punched in the face by somebody who was aggressive and intoxicated. I was initially going to retaliate, but then I realized that I'd almost certainly regret any retaliatory action and so I didn't take any; the next morning when this person sobered up he apologized for punching me and thanked me for not beating the **** out of him. And that's the end of the story, but perhaps you can empathize with how much it baffles me when somebody has revenge fantasies that involve killing somebody else, e.g. "I need a gun to protect my property" or "I sure hope that no black people look menacingly at me because then I'd have no choice but to kill them" or whatever - I would have regretted punching somebody who had just punched me in the face for no good reason, and so I'd certainly regret killing somebody for as flimsy as an excuse as "they were going to rob me" or "they looked at me funny" or whatever. The only situation in which I could imagine that I could kill somebody is if the regret for not killing them would unquestionably outweigh the regret for killing them, e.g. Saddam Hussein is about to nuke New York City and the only way I can stop him is to punch a hole in his head or whatever.
So, there's the premise for the question in the thread title - no poll, I don't know what options I'd include.
So, there's the premise for the question in the thread title - no poll, I don't know what options I'd include.