So you're lying on your death bed, with your grandkids* standing by your bedside. When you feel like you're about to give up your ghost**, lie back and pretend that you're dead. When your grandkids lean in to see if you're really dead, bolt up in your bed, point at them, and scream "YOU DID THIS TO ME***", and then die. It'll be hilarious!
* Or your kids or great-grandkids, as appropriate
** Worried about getting the timing wrong? Try cyanide capsules!
*** Or you could say something about how you've taken a glimpse of the cold dark void beyond the shroud of death. Be creative!
* Or your kids or great-grandkids, as appropriate
** Worried about getting the timing wrong? Try cyanide capsules!
*** Or you could say something about how you've taken a glimpse of the cold dark void beyond the shroud of death. Be creative!