Secular morality usually has the (stated) purpose of maximizing utility for mankind. There's disagreement as to how to do this, e.g. by creating a Libertarian utopia, or by creating a Socialist utopia, or by creating an industrialized Soviet Union, or by creating a Rwanda without any Tutsis in it, or whatever, but the stated purpose is still the same.
The question is whose utility divine morality is trying to maximize - sometimes divine morality has overlap with secular morality and has some obvious benefit for (some subset of) mankind, but other times God will command something that doesn't seem to have any obvious benefit for anybody e.g. "kill your son Isaac" or "cut off the tip of your penis" or whatever. Are these commands primarily intended to benefit mankind (or at least God's chosen subset of mankind), or are they primarily intended to benefit God in some tangible or abstruse way, or third option? As a concrete example, given the command that God's chosen people shouldn't wear clothes made of both wool and linen, is God issuing this command because mixed fabrics cause cancer and so the chosen people will benefit by not wearing mixed fabrics, or is God issuing this command because he arbitrarily dislikes mixed fabrics, or whatever?
The question is whose utility divine morality is trying to maximize - sometimes divine morality has overlap with secular morality and has some obvious benefit for (some subset of) mankind, but other times God will command something that doesn't seem to have any obvious benefit for anybody e.g. "kill your son Isaac" or "cut off the tip of your penis" or whatever. Are these commands primarily intended to benefit mankind (or at least God's chosen subset of mankind), or are they primarily intended to benefit God in some tangible or abstruse way, or third option? As a concrete example, given the command that God's chosen people shouldn't wear clothes made of both wool and linen, is God issuing this command because mixed fabrics cause cancer and so the chosen people will benefit by not wearing mixed fabrics, or is God issuing this command because he arbitrarily dislikes mixed fabrics, or whatever?