It has long seemed to me that empathy is reserved for those whom we identify with as somehow being one of "us".
There seems to be very little, if any, empathy for those who somehow deemed to be one of "them".
There seems to be something of a "them" and "us" dichotomy attached to empathy.
There does thus seem to be a very toxic downside to empathy.
If one of "them" does something unfavourable to one of "us" we may identify with the hurt experienced by one of our own and react to the other without the slightest shred of empathy or compassion.
I have noticed that too many people grossly over react to the slightest inconvenience to themselves or their loved ones. The perpetrator is treated like an enemy.
This them and us dichotomy would seem to explain a lot about the human tendency to be so utterly inhumane to other groups. Just tell them "they" are harming our interests.
Your thoughts on this rather poorly worded post please?
There seems to be very little, if any, empathy for those who somehow deemed to be one of "them".
There seems to be something of a "them" and "us" dichotomy attached to empathy.
There does thus seem to be a very toxic downside to empathy.
If one of "them" does something unfavourable to one of "us" we may identify with the hurt experienced by one of our own and react to the other without the slightest shred of empathy or compassion.
I have noticed that too many people grossly over react to the slightest inconvenience to themselves or their loved ones. The perpetrator is treated like an enemy.
This them and us dichotomy would seem to explain a lot about the human tendency to be so utterly inhumane to other groups. Just tell them "they" are harming our interests.
Your thoughts on this rather poorly worded post please?