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Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

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  • #61
    Originally posted by I AM MOBIUS View Post
    Originally posted by Guynemer View Post

    EDIT: wrong image
    Quoted just because it's ****ing awesome!
    Poor flag. Every time they run it up the flagpole, the eagle turns it into a confederate flag and they have to take it back down. Stupid homophobic eagle.
    No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


    • #62
      Also, racist
      To us, it is the BEAST.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui View Post
        Indeed (people tend to just not get why religious organizations are tax exempt - usually it is due to their non-profit status; we are tax exempt as the ACLU is tax exempt, albeit the ACLU has a separate taxable organization dedicated to lobbying). As someone on my church's Finance Committee, I can tell you that the vast majority of the money the church receives is for running the church, aside from about close to 10% for charitable mission outside the walls (so to speak). Church functions, aside from Sunday morning worship and paying the staff, involve the budgets of various committees dedicated to furthering the charitable or educational mission of the Church. Just about everything would fit into that category.
        I agree.

        Too often, militant atheists and others only think of the wealthy, well-established, mega churches when they advocate for ending tax exemptions for religious institutions such as churches. They do not realize that something like 98 percent of churches are far more modest financially, and run on constraining budgets while they really do positive, good things for their communities.
        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


        • #64
          I've yet to see any evidence showing churches are more efficient than public institutions when it comes to providing services. The lack of revenue, on the other hand, probably causes more harm than the churches make up for with their charitable functions.
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #65
            In essence, they are a waste of resources. A drain on the economy...
            To us, it is the BEAST.


            • #66
              You're the waste of resources. I pity you Sava, living in sin the way you are.

              Churches are a safety net for when people like you get their comeuppance.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Sava View Post
                I've yet to see any evidence showing churches are more efficient than public institutions when it comes to providing services. The lack of revenue, on the other hand, probably causes more harm than the churches make up for with their charitable functions.
                What lack of revenue? I am an ardent atheist (defined as one who has no beliefs in deities) but I don't see where pretty much any church turns a profit that could be taxed. I work for a non-profit school myself, and can attest that the school also pays no taxes. The only tax you could argue that churches don't pay is on the church buildings and ground themselves, and property taxes don't amount to squat, even if non-profits had to pay them. Now, if you were to argue that the federal government had to pay property taxes taxes on its property, then you'd be talking about serious money.

                I don't know how efficient churches overall are at distributing charity to the needy, but I do know for a fact that non-profits as a whole are far, far, far more efficient than public institutions are at that task. Even if we include the notoriously bad American Red Cross.
                The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty…we will be remembered in spite of ourselves… The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the last generation… We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.
                - A. Lincoln


                • #68
                  During his weekly interview with the national radio station, the Zimbabwean president joked that he planned to travel to Washington DC 'get down on one knee and ask his [Obama's] hand'.

                  I think Princess Obama should say "Yes"
                  Knowledge is Power


                  • #69
                    But only with a marriage contract ... you wouldn´t want to have half of the united states being ruled by Mugabe in case of a divorce
                    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


                    • #70
                      Pelosi shared this picture of herself with Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor on Twitter. The justices were honored on Capitol Hill at a Women’s History Month reception.

                      Damn, with women like that i understand why these women from Supreme Court of USA voted for the same sex marriages in USA. I guess it's hard to find a different sex marriage if you look like that. I kinda feel pity for US citizens after seeing that. I guess, they have no choice but to support same sex marriages after a traumatic experience of looking at a US women looking like that.

                      Our attroneys look a little better. That's why we, Russians, don't need same sex marriages.
                      Knowledge is Power


                      • #71
                        Have you met my son Daffyd?



                        • #72
                          Russian women are only hot until they turn thirty, then they inflate like the ruble.
                          Last edited by DaShi; July 4, 2015, 01:38.
                          “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                          "Capitalism ho!"


                          • #73
                            why I never married
                            Have you met my son Daffyd?



                            • #74
                              i'll just put this here:

                              Invoking “God’s authority,” a county clerk denied marriage licenses to gay couples again Tuesday in direct defiance of the federal courts, and vowed not to resign, even under the …

                              (a) county clerk in Kentucky who has invoked "God's authority" and is defying the U.S. Supreme Court by refusing to license same-sex marriage has been summoned along with her entire staff to explain to a federal judge why they should not face stiff fines or jail time.
                              U.S. District Judge David Bunning moved swiftly Tuesday after a lesbian couple asked him to find Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in contempt. Davis told several couples and a crowd of supporters and protesters that her religious beliefs prevent her from sanctioning gay marriage, and then retreated again, closing her office door and blinds to the raucous scene outside.

                              (..)As an elected official, Davis can't be fired; her impeachment would have to wait until the Legislature's regular session next year or a costly special session.

                              (..)From the back of the room, Davis' supporters said: "Praise the Lord! ... Stand your ground."

                              Other activists shouted that Davis is a bigot and told her: "Do your job."

                              so much wtf
                              Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


                              • #75
                                You had to know there would be a smattering of wingnuts that were going to deny reality. Hopefully a little jail time will put the rest of the bigots on notice.
                                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

