So, Laz has finally reached that age. That age when a young man's thoughts turn to hurting his little brother. He will, on occasion, voice thoughts such as "we should drill holes in Malcolm with a corkscrew," or "we should cut Malcolm's head off." These thoughts typically get him sent to the corner, which does not much trouble him greatly no matter how long he stays. I'm not too troubled by it, myself, albeit it is wicked creepy. What bothers me more is when he starts acting on his notions, e.g. by kicking Mac as he crawls, or biting his hand.
Not sure what to do about it, but it needs to stop, fast, before he gets old enough to start doing this secretly. His mind is not really advanced enough to understand complex reasoning or complicated punishments, so he needs some kind of immediate disincentive. Spanking comes to mind--for hurting his brother, and only for hurting his brother--but I'm very, very reluctant to start that, because it's supposed to mess your kids up something fierce. In general, Laz's misbehavior seems to grow in proportion to his mother's stress level, and this is no doubt part of that. But it's hard not to stress out when you've got little Cain and Abel. In most respects, Laz behaves better than other kids his age that we've observed.
(yes, I have sunk to asking Poly for parenting advice. But some of you guys are parents!)
Not sure what to do about it, but it needs to stop, fast, before he gets old enough to start doing this secretly. His mind is not really advanced enough to understand complex reasoning or complicated punishments, so he needs some kind of immediate disincentive. Spanking comes to mind--for hurting his brother, and only for hurting his brother--but I'm very, very reluctant to start that, because it's supposed to mess your kids up something fierce. In general, Laz's misbehavior seems to grow in proportion to his mother's stress level, and this is no doubt part of that. But it's hard not to stress out when you've got little Cain and Abel. In most respects, Laz behaves better than other kids his age that we've observed.
(yes, I have sunk to asking Poly for parenting advice. But some of you guys are parents!)