anyone hear about the story involving the guy who got killed by the falling tape measure?
so I'm reading this and I remember there was a mythbusters episode where they tested if a penny falling from a skyscraper could kill you
but anyways, I look the scene up on youtube and I'm greeted by the top comment:
it has 75 upvotes
well... 76 now
but i digress
I did not expect a comment like that
let alone one that's the top comment
the internet never ceases to amaze
so I'm reading this and I remember there was a mythbusters episode where they tested if a penny falling from a skyscraper could kill you
but anyways, I look the scene up on youtube and I'm greeted by the top comment:
mythbusters should hire a jew then do it again lmao jumps off NERRRRR MAHHH PENNEHHH
well... 76 now
but i digress
I did not expect a comment like that
let alone one that's the top comment
the internet never ceases to amaze
