Our loveable, sassy, stubborn, gentle, cute dachshund, Ally, died several hours ago. 
She was born in '98. Past few days, she was very ill with maybe a virus or some type of bacteria, but we thought she would recover from whatever it was. We can at least counsel ourselves that she died in her sleep, basking in the sunlight from through a window, with little or no pain. In spite of her old age, she had kept her mobility for most part, until she got seriously ill several days ago.
We still have our other family member, a dachshund who was one of Ally's pups back in the day; his name is Kolbi. I feel bad for Kolbi though; he was with Ally's body, after she had died, and now when Neal and I are gone for work or whatever, Kolbi will be all by himself for the first time in his life.
What can we do to help Kolbi cope better?
Our home feels a little more empty now, with Ally gone.

She was born in '98. Past few days, she was very ill with maybe a virus or some type of bacteria, but we thought she would recover from whatever it was. We can at least counsel ourselves that she died in her sleep, basking in the sunlight from through a window, with little or no pain. In spite of her old age, she had kept her mobility for most part, until she got seriously ill several days ago.
We still have our other family member, a dachshund who was one of Ally's pups back in the day; his name is Kolbi. I feel bad for Kolbi though; he was with Ally's body, after she had died, and now when Neal and I are gone for work or whatever, Kolbi will be all by himself for the first time in his life.

What can we do to help Kolbi cope better?
Our home feels a little more empty now, with Ally gone.