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  • Gym

    since ever that i remember myself i've never been to the gym. i was never fat but i was never "athletic". that never hindered me in anything 'cause i am tall. people react positively to that.

    however since i'm being in a confused state of mind recently and since i've been gaining some kilos i decided to enrol.
    first, it's like a religion there.
    second the place is swimming with hot girls of all styles.

    tae bo: this is excrusiating but exhilarating.
    you get in a trance like state. the speakers blow techno music non stop.

    you've got the enthusiastic gymnast throwing punches and generally inspiring you not to give up and keep going.

    first, the heart starts playing strange games. it aches. but since you know that this is nerve/stress pain and not a dangerous situation you let it slip and after a while the heart doesnt ache anymore.
    when the class is finished you sweat more than a pig and have a huge smile on your face for some unexplained reason.


    hatha yoga

    there two problems with that:
    first, the teacher is not that good in explaining. she does it fast and you can't follow
    second, she has a beautiful ass that she's moving in front of you and you can't concentrate on the excersises, period.

    running platform

    noone said to me that the mind gets confused after running 2 kilometers in that.
    i stepped out of it and my feet wanted to keep walking but my mind said stop.
    this produced dizziness and you become unstable. it's like having been on a boat on a turmulent sea for a long time.

  • #2
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #3
      "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
      "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi

