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Travels through Time

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  • Travels through Time

    Who we are as we travel through time changes with the day, the week, the month and year and decade. We are worn down by the trials of this life, and built up by our own character's response the them.

    So, pick a date, mine is 1968, and go decade by decade and share the person you were on those dates.

    In '68 I wanted to get in the war that was tearing my simple, beloved country apart. I was only 10 however and Thank you God could not act on my youthful impulse to try to set things right. My family was torn asunder, my American-German mother had been very badly treated by my Swiss-German father, as had we all. This war and the images that came over the tube were the last straw. I wanted to get in and set things right, but I was still a child.

    In 1978 I was leaving the army. The insanity I saw there showed me that the interests of the high and mighty and those of the common man did not converge. I was a border guard in West Germany on the East German and Czechoslovak borders which we patrolled in our tanks and tracks. I had been assigned without discussion to mortar training and then to a mortar track. Thing was, it was all about trajectories, ranges, wind speed, and other stuff as well. It was all about math and I drove myself nuts to learn it, as alien to me as something from Mars. Who the hell made these decisions? Then one cold winter night we were all rolled out of our bunks by the alarm. It was 2, 3AM, don't remember. We hit the floor running as our training taught us. We trained endlessly, we were border guards and wore the black berets. So we ran out to the track park like the old films of RAF guys heading for their planes during the blitz. We fired up our tracks which we kept perpetually warm, and headed to pick up ammo. There we waited as one by one tanks and tracks ammoed up. We were sitting targets and I just sat there in the back of a mortar track, in a well lit ammo dump, waiting to die. One missile, one artillery round, and we were done, sitting among all that ammo. Once we finally were done with that cluster**** we headed for the border.

    Well they told us the next day that an important Russian scientist had tried to defect but was caught. If he had made it we were responding in order to counter any Russian effort to come across the border to get him back. I didn't care. I'd been hung out to die with the rest of the guys. So the first time it was my chance to reup I said NO. Then I told them why, but nothing ever changed my friends told me.

    In 1988 I was moving out of Jersey to Oregon, or had already moved. Anyway it was around '88. I drove my truck through Yellowstone during the fire they refused to put out if that helps with the date, and with my two dogs, Rommel and Daisy. I didn't know what Oregon was like but I knew Jersey wasn't it.

    In '98 I was getting ready for an adventure, to go to Asia. I'd started a bookstore and met lots of women but I was on a different page from all of them. I had high hopes for Asia. The next year I was to travel, I met my wife Dolores, and started a new life.

    In 2008 I was building. Dolores and I had traveled back and forth from working in Oregon to building in the Philippines. We were finished with the Jagna house and were getting ready to start fixing up one of the lots we had bought in '07. I was tired of roasting in Jagna and was ready to try something different. Iirc we built our first seawall on the property we now live on full time.
    Last edited by Lancer; May 8, 2014, 05:55.
    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time

  • #2
    Wonderful Life
    What can make a nigga wanna fight a whole night club/Figure that he ought to maybe be a pimp simply 'cause he don't like love/What can make a nigga wanna achy, break all rules/In a book when it took a lot to get you hooked up to this volume/
    What can make a nigga wanna loose all faith in/Anything that he can't feel through his chest wit sensation


    • #3
      Mine or yours? Why not give a decade by decade? If you haven't gotten very many decades Pax, you can fill them in later.

      In 2018 I hope to add a great post.
      Last edited by Lancer; May 12, 2014, 08:17.
      Long time member @ Apolyton
      Civilization player since the dawn of time


      • #4
        1974 - I wasn't yet a gleam in my parents' eyes

        1984 - I was big brother to 2 brothers and 1 sister. I was already potty trained!

        1994 - I don't remember a whole lot about this time. In and out of psychiatric institutions and lots of prescription drugs. Towards the end of the year was ECT.

        2004 - I was spending most of my time on the beach building sand-sculptures and playing Civ IV.

        2014 - Finishing our house and planning on getting married. Make my living doing stuff I like to do for fun


        • #5
          1984: I was one year from being conceived.

          1994: Olympics in my home town of Lillehammer! Went to second grade and was immensely popular in the schoolyard as I had a GameBoy, and no one else had one. Also had a NES, and people flocked to my home.

          2004: Second grade of high school, lots of school work and I didn't know how lucky I was.

          2014: Two years ago I got a master in history, now I'm taking religion and want to become a teacher. Lots of work and studies, and very little money.
          Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
          I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
          Also active on WePlayCiv.


          • #6
            1968 - The family just moved to a brand new house in a subdivision. We used to live in a "neighborhood", but now a "subdivision". The place had a pool and I remember bugging my older sister to take me to the pool all the time. I was 6 and confused about the war. I couldn't understand why we couldn't just win. I mean, it was just Vietnam, right? Hadn't we just beat Hitler less than 25 years ago? I also remeber being so excited about the whole space program.

            1978 - Dad had just died the year before. I had left the private school I had been attending and was making the jump into public school. Culture shock! I ended up liking public school a lot better. Got my first car that year...a 1974 Ford LTD. What a tank! Also got my first real job...worked at a small 85 room hotel about a mile from the house. Easy money...

            1988 - Just graduated college (7 year plan My sophmore year was 3 of the best years of my life!). Ending up working in a sweat shop finance company. Great training, but a real pain in the butt. My wife of 3 years and I relocated to Nashville. Life was good and easy.

            1998 - Got married for the second time. New job and new life. Bought a house and started putting down some roots. Money was starting to flow in and bought new furniture for the whole house and a new car. The good times were beginning to roll.

            2008 - Mortgage meltdown! The financial collapse hit hard. Money was very tight and I had two kids starting college. The wife couldn't understand what had happened. Just a couple of years before it was gravy train..New Year's staying at Time Square hotels. 5 star we are buying groceries at Wal-mart and Sav-a lot. My how quickly time can change....
            "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


            • #7
              PLATO! Long time no see. Yes, everything changed after the mortgage meltdown. Same in...was it '86 with Black Saturday? That mostly hit the east coast and the environs around NYC. Luckily I was selling my house and had a considerable amount of earnest money so the buyer followed through. I could feel that one coming because In New Jersey the grey collar workers were buying houses in Pensy and commuting. Made me wonder if the heart and soul of middle America couldn't afford a house, what was driving the market? So I sold, just in time. Same before '08, got out from under the bubble. Did pretty good both times...

              Both times I was free to make my own decisions though, between relationships. I can just imagine trying to explain gut hunches to a wife or gf who would be looking at losing that special room or whatever.

              Those 5 star vacations sound really nice, good memories.
              Long time member @ Apolyton
              Civilization player since the dawn of time


              • #8
                Originally posted by Aeson View Post
                1974 - I wasn't yet a gleam in my parents' eyes

                1984 - I was big brother to 2 brothers and 1 sister. I was already potty trained!

                1994 - I don't remember a whole lot about this time. In and out of psychiatric institutions and lots of prescription drugs. Towards the end of the year was ECT.

                2004 - I was spending most of my time on the beach building sand-sculptures and playing Civ IV.

                2014 - Finishing our house and planning on getting married. Make my living doing stuff I like to do for fun
                You are lucky, I never had a job I liked. Then again, nobody ever offered me $ to play games.
                Long time member @ Apolyton
                Civilization player since the dawn of time


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nikolai View Post
                  1984: I was one year from being conceived.

                  1994: Olympics in my home town of Lillehammer! Went to second grade and was immensely popular in the schoolyard as I had a GameBoy, and no one else had one. Also had a NES, and people flocked to my home.

                  2004: Second grade of high school, lots of school work and I didn't know how lucky I was.

                  2014: Two years ago I got a master in history, now I'm taking religion and want to become a teacher. Lots of work and studies, and very little money.
                  I always had lots of work and little $ because I always poured it into my house when I made some. That way it would appreciate with the house rather than depreciate with inflation. Going through the Carter years taught me a bunch about that.
                  Long time member @ Apolyton
                  Civilization player since the dawn of time


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lancer View Post
                    You are lucky, I never had a job I liked. Then again, nobody ever offered me $ to play games.
                    Nobody ever will ... that's why it's good to be the boss


                    • #11
                      The boss of?
                      Long time member @ Apolyton
                      Civilization player since the dawn of time


                      • #12
                        Of your own business. Then you get to choose who gets paid for what.


                        • #13
                          Yes, and you know our planned business, a pizza joint. Meatball sandwiches from ancient Italian recipes. Made a great Sloppy Joe recipe recently using beef meat supplied by Pa Mente, brisket cut, was excellent and I hope to have such materials ready to go if ordered. Youp (sp) our excellent cook German friend really liked it. Maybe bagels with cream cheese, definitely soft pretzels with imported salt of the soft variety I got in stock ready to go, and English muffins in the fullness of time. Fresh baked breads that don't taste like crap. Local ingredients pizzas for guests of all sorts, to compete with that awful place in Jagna, forget its name, the box tastes better. Anyone from 20P and up can get something, hopefully. NY style pizza recipes right out of NY. That's the business of which Dolores and I will be boss and which we hope to pass on to the family's hardest workers.

                          Besides the point. Are you telling me you are a wheel at facebook?
                          Last edited by Lancer; May 18, 2014, 08:59.
                          Long time member @ Apolyton
                          Civilization player since the dawn of time


                          • #14
                            We're on the same page here. Whatever helps the local folks helps us right back. It makes good opinion where there has been plenty of negativity brought by people only thinking of their own selves, and here we survive on our welcome. I like to disappoint the skeptics whose only sampling of foreigners has been negative, and build respect among the locals for myself as an individual rather than a group which contains too much evil.
                            Long time member @ Apolyton
                            Civilization player since the dawn of time


                            • #15
                              1970 - college
                              1980 - college
                              1990 - college
                              2000 - work
                              2010 - retirement
                              To The Hijack Police: I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't do it. I wasn't there. I don't even own a computer.

