Even as hundreds of thousands of gamers started plugging in their new PlayStation 4 consoles after midnight launches in North America, Sony is acknowledging that some users are having trouble connecting to the PlayStation Network, with many running into errors when downloading and installing a massive, crucial day-one update.
"PSN seeing very high volume, some gamers may experience difficulty connecting, thanks for your patience," Sony tweeted from the official PlayStation account overnight. "If you're getting a network error on the PS4, please sit tight," reads an early-morning tweet from the official Ask PlayStation account. "As you can imagine, we're seeing heavy traffic tonight!"
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"PSN seeing very high volume, some gamers may experience difficulty connecting, thanks for your patience," Sony tweeted from the official PlayStation account overnight. "If you're getting a network error on the PS4, please sit tight," reads an early-morning tweet from the official Ask PlayStation account. "As you can imagine, we're seeing heavy traffic tonight!"
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