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Poor backwards England...

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  • Poor backwards England...

    England's young people near bottom of global league table for basic skills

    OECD finds 16- to 24-year-olds have literacy and numeracy levels no better than those of their grandparents' generation

    England is the only country in the developed world where the generation approaching retirement is more literate and numerate than the youngest, according to the first skills survey by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

    In a stark assessment of the success and failure of the 720 million-strong adult workforce across the wealthier economies, the economic thinktank warns that in England, adults aged 55 to 65 perform better than 16- to 24-year-olds in foundation levels of literacy and numeracy. The survey did not include people from Scotland or Wales.

    The OECD study also finds that a quarter of adults in England have the maths skills of a 10-year-old. About 8.5 million adults, 24.1% of the population, have such basic levels of numeracy that they can manage only one-step tasks with sums, sorting numbers or reading graphs. This was worse than the average in the developed world, where an average of 19% of people were found to have a similarly poor skill base.

    When the results within age groups are compared across participating countries, older adults in England score higher in literacy and numeracy than the average among their peers, while younger adults show some of the lowest scores for their age group.

    Out of 24 nations, young adults in England (aged 16-24) rank 22nd for literacy and 21st for numeracy. England is behind Estonia, Australia, Poland and Slovakia in both areas.

    This compares unfavourably with the adult population as a whole; English adults (aged 16-65) rank 11th for literacy and 17th for numeracy.

    The OECD cautions that the "talent pool of highly skilled adults in England and Northern Ireland is likely to shrink relative to that of other countries".

    The minister for skills and enterprise, Matthew Hancock, said: "This shocking report shows England has some of the least literate and numerate young adults in the developed world. These are Labour's children, educated under a Labour government and force-fed a diet of dumbing down and low expectations."

    Labour hit back, saying that while in government it "drove up standards in maths and English across our schools, evident in the huge improvements we saw in GCSE results between 1997 and 2010".

    Tristram Hunt, the shadow education secretary, said: "Of course, more needs to be done and that is why a future Labour government would ensure all young people study maths and English to 18, and would overturn David Cameron's decision to allow unqualified teachers to teach in our classrooms on a permanent basis … we see in David Cameron an out-of-touch prime minister who cannot be trusted on school standards."

    Last week Cameron called for young people under the age of 25 to be stripped of benefits so that they could "earn or learn" their way through life.

    The government blamed the last administration, saying that the young people covered by the survey "were educated almost entirely under the last Labour government – for example, someone aged 18 when they took the OECD tests would have started school aged five in 1998 and finished compulsory education aged 16 in 2009".

    In the survey, the first of its kind, 166,000 people in 22 OECD member countries, as well as Russia and Cyprus, sat through two hours of intense questioning about their skills and background.

    The report, launched on Tuesday in Paris, shows that there appears to be a distinct hollowing out of the workforce across the rich world – with jobs requiring highly educated workers rising by around a fifth while those needing a medium or low skills base dropping by about 10% each.

    England stands out with a handful of nations where social background determines reading skills. Along with Germany, Italy, Poland and the United States, the children of parents with low levels of education in England have "significantly lower proficiency than those whose parents have higher levels of education".

    The OECD also warns that when looking at information technology, which it says is key to reshaping the workplace in the developed world, only 42.4% of 16- to 24-year-olds in England and Northern Ireland are proficient to the extent they can handle unexpected outcomes. This compares with the average of 50.7%.

    Young adults in England and Northern Ireland scored 21% lower than those in South Korea – the best-performing country. Although the United States has a reputation for being the IT centre of the world, the survey found that its youngsters were the worst for basic technology proficiency – scoring 4.8% below young adult Britons.

    "The implication for England and Northern Ireland is that the stock of skills available to them is bound to decline over the next decades unless significant action is taken to improve skills proficiency among young people," the OECD said.

    These changes have already had major implications the global labour pool for talent. Britain used to provide 8% of the best-educated workers – but today only provides 4%.

    By comparison, South Korea, which was not on the map two generations ago, now makes up 6% of the highly skilled pool of young talent.

    What is clear is the rise of a very different form of training and education in east Asia, designed to rapidly lift people out of poverty. Nowhere is this more obvious than in Japan, where secondary-school leavers achieve a higher literacy level than English graduates.

    At a fringe meeting of the Tory party conference, Hancock told delegates that Japan's model of vocational training was something that the "government was looking at very closely. People talk about Germany and its progress in making sure non-university graduates are skilled up for the workplace. But the real success is Japan."

    Andreas Schleicher, the OECD's deputy director for education and skills, said Japan was good at developing skills but its "education system works in silos and productivity growth is so-so. Compare this to the UK and US, where they are no longer good at developing talent but very good at extracting value from the best workers.

    "It is a question of which problem do you wish to have? In Japan they need to fix labour markets and make them more responsive to skills. In the UK it is a much harder problem to fix, which is creating a training programme."

    Literacy for people aged 16-24

    1 Finland

    2 Japan

    3 South Korea

    4 Netherlands

    5 Estonia

    6 Australia

    7 Sweden

    8 Poland

    9 Czech Republic

    10 Germany

    11 Austria

    12 Slovak Republic

    13 Denmark

    14 France

    15 Canada

    16 Norway

    17 Ireland

    18 Spain

    19 England/N Ireland

    20 United States

    21 Italy

    22 Cyprus

    Literacy for all adults

    1 Japan

    2 Finland

    3 Netherlands

    4 Sweden

    5 Australia

    6 Norway

    7 Estonia

    8 Slovak Republic

    9 Flanders (Belgium)

    10 Canada

    11 Czech Republic

    12 Denmark

    13 South Korea

    14 England/N Ireland

    15 Germany

    16 United States

    17 Austria

    18 Poland

    19 Ireland

    20 France

    21 Spain

    22 Italy

    Numeracy for people aged 16-24

    1 Netherlands

    2 Finland

    3 Japan

    4 Flanders (Belgium)

    5 South Korea

    6 Austria

    7 Estonia

    8 Sweden

    9 Czech Republic

    10 Slovak Republic

    11 Germany

    12 Denmark

    13 Norway

    14 Australia

    15 Poland

    16 Canada

    17 Cyprus

    18 Northern Ireland

    19 France

    20 Ireland

    21 England

    22 Spain

    23 Italy

    24 United States

    Numeracy for all adults

    1 Japan

    2 Finland

    3 Sweden

    4 Netherlands

    5 Norway

    6 Denmark

    7 Slovak Republic

    8 Flanders (Belgium)

    9 Czech Republic

    10 Austria

    11 Germany

    12 Estonia

    13 Australia

    14 Canada

    15 South Korea

    16 England/N Ireland

    17 Poland

    18 France

    19 Ireland

    20 United States

    21 Italy

    22 Spain
    I know the kids of today are poorly educated compared to my generation, but damn!
    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

  • #2
    Wales doesn't even get into the list - poor Wales
    With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

    Steven Weinberg


    • #3
      Your generation is to blame for this.
      To us, it is the BEAST.


      • #4
        I think it has something to do with lead poising.


        • #5
          Sadly, they still beat America.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dinner View Post
            Sadly, they still beat America.

            no comment, I promises Sava


            • #7
              At least your ahead of us ... not by alot though ...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Docfeelgood View Post
                no comment, I promises Sava
                They don't call it the "special relationship" for nothing!
                To us, it is the BEAST.


                • #9
                  I notice evil, evil Finland is at either 1st or 2nd on all lists. This backs the GOP position that all ejucaytshun is evil
                  There's nothing wrong with the dream, my friend, the problem lies with the dreamer.


                  • #10
                    You want to know what backwards really is? Backwards is when you have one of the major two political parties threatening to destroy the global economy if it doesn't get everything it ever wanted. Even worse they're actually claiming that a default wouldn't be a big deal, that people would hardly notice it, where as actual economists (like the IMF and virtually everyone who actually lives in the reality based world) all say it would plug the world into a new great depression. That's ****ing backwards.

                    Try for discussion and debate.


                    • #11
                      How ****ed up would it be if we had two major parties engaging in brinkmanship over the debt ceiling?


                      • #12
                        It would be ****ed up but fortunately we only have one insane party who is completely responsible for threatening to destroy the global economy.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #13
                          If the sky does fall, there might actually be some motivation to reform our political system so that extremists like the Tea Party can't screw things up again.
                          To us, it is the BEAST.


                          • #14
                            The table and text don't agree. Irony?

                            Out of 24 nations, young adults in England (aged 16-24) rank 22nd for literacy and 21st for numeracy. England is behind Estonia, Australia, Poland and Slovakia in both areas.

                            And the table says 19th.

                            There are others, or am I illiterate?
                            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.

