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  • Dagnabit

    The Mark Gordon Company and the C.S. Lewis Company have struck a deal to jointly develop and produce The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Silver Chair, which would extend the fantasy film franchise that last appeared with The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, which Fox released in 2010. Along with the Disney-released […]

    They're making The Silver Chair. I thought the third one killed the Narnia film franchise. Lord knows it should've; the script was incoherent gibberish full of comically hamhanded attempts to pander to Jesus-freaks. Now I wonder: will they attempt to scrub all the religion out of it and make it a generically terrible movie, or double down on the pandering? I suppose there's also a chance that they will make a somewhat decent movie out of it, like the first two. But I'm not optimistic. It's not like the source material was exactly cheery reading in the first place.
    1011 1100
    Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel

  • #2
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #3
      My guess is they'll double down on the pandering because Hollywood has figured out that deeply religious people are easy marks who will buy just about anything.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sava View Post
        Is that who's playing Puddleglum?
        No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dinner View Post
          My guess is they'll double down on the pandering because Hollywood has figured out that deeply religious people are easy marks who will buy just about anything.
          Which was why the third movie had mediocre sales?
          1011 1100
          Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


          • #6
            The third movie was terrible. The Chronicles books shouldn't be too hard to make into movies. They have simple plots, are pretty short, and have some pretty memorable characters (Reepicheep and Puddleglum topping that list). The Christian allegory is a little hamfisted, but you need to dumb things down for Protestants to understand it all. Somehow these assdouches **** it all up.
            John Brown did nothing wrong.


            • #7
              The third might have been difficult because of the episodic nature of its plot--they spent the whole book sailing from one island to the next, with no overarching storyline with a climax, etc. So they made one up, or rather started to make one up, quit halfway through while there was still a big "?" in the middle of their plot diagram, and filmed what they had. They made up for it by throwing in a couple of jarring, clunky allusions to religiosity that just sort of sit there without actually doing anything.
              1011 1100
              Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel

