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  • Saltybet

    Kinda surprised nobody made a thread about this yet. I found this site on August 6 or 7 or so...I don't think it's been around much longer than that, but it's supposed to host live streams of video game tournaments (pretty boring I suspect) but when there's no ongoing tournament it hosts automated MUGEN bot vs bot matches. Obviously with the nonexistent balance of MUGEN's menagerie of characters one character will generally trounce the other every time. However the thoroughly unbalanced characters are sometimes matched up with really dodgy AIs, which can make games that they are in more or less random.

    The gimmick is that when you create an account you get 400 dollars in monopoly money (no real world value, you can't buy it, it has no use other than e-penis points) and you bet on who is going to win. If you run out you get bailed out with ten fakebucks. This aspect of the website is weirdly entertaining and I can't really figure out why.

    You can find it here. Currently Garfield of newspaper comics fame is fighting Cell from DBZ.

    Salty Bet allows you to place bets on live competitive events.

  • #2
    Doesn't work, butthole!!!!

    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


    • #3
      If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
      ){ :|:& };:

