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In recognition of this 6 Aug. 2013
I recently visited the ruins of the old airforce base on Tinian where the nuclear bombers were based. The concrete bomb bays are still there. I didn't stay long, the site is nuclear contaminated.Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..
Look, I just don't anymore, okay?
Yep...I wouldn't be here if not for them. Dad was scheduled for the first wave in the invasion of Japan. From the stories he told about helping dismantle the shore defenses, it would have been a ghastly invasion."I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003
We'll never know if it really was necessary to nuke the cities. The first demonstrations of nuclear destructive power should not have been on major population centers. If doing so was necessary, it should only have been a last resort option.