So I was drinking with some dinosaur friends of mine the other day - I was drinking tea, they were drinking something much better - and the topic of 'guns' came up. All those in the conversation are Canadians, although one has joint US citizenship. We all agreed that the US idea that guns were a 'defensive' weapon was silly, but, I postulated that the mechanical/chemical reaction that causes guns to be an offensive weapon could be turned against the gunman (or woman). There should be a way to induce this reaction, from a distance, without effecting any non explosive nearby. Both the physicist and the engineer in our little group agreed that it was theoretically possible. A device could be made to cause loaded guns to discharge automatically.
Imagine - Joe Psycho walking towards his neighbourhood elementary school with his loaded gun(s) when they empty their chambers without any action on his part. If Joe only has a holstered small arm, chances are fairly good Joe will just receive a flesh wound. If he has multiple weapons, chances are he will not be able to control them and will be fatally wounded fairly quickly.
So rather than encourage people to carry guns, this would be a deterrent. Have permanent 'shields' around schools, government buildings, etc., where heroic good gun owners would know that they cannot carry loaded weapons. Maybe eventually there could be an app for that.
The physicist was particularly excited about the idea. Years ago, I made another crazy suggestion to him that led to patents on his part...
So, what do you think?
I mentioned it might also be possible to negate the chemical/mechanical reaction, causing guns to simply not fire, but what would be the fun in that?
Imagine - Joe Psycho walking towards his neighbourhood elementary school with his loaded gun(s) when they empty their chambers without any action on his part. If Joe only has a holstered small arm, chances are fairly good Joe will just receive a flesh wound. If he has multiple weapons, chances are he will not be able to control them and will be fatally wounded fairly quickly.
So rather than encourage people to carry guns, this would be a deterrent. Have permanent 'shields' around schools, government buildings, etc., where heroic good gun owners would know that they cannot carry loaded weapons. Maybe eventually there could be an app for that.
The physicist was particularly excited about the idea. Years ago, I made another crazy suggestion to him that led to patents on his part...
So, what do you think?
I mentioned it might also be possible to negate the chemical/mechanical reaction, causing guns to simply not fire, but what would be the fun in that?
