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Military docu banned by US Air force - too rough

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  • Military docu banned by US Air force - too rough

    The danish documentary Armadillo has been banned by US air force, not because of killings, violence or similar, but because of nipples. There are a couple of scenes with half naked women giving lap dances and soldies watching porn and that is apparently way more than american soldiers can stand.


    Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s crackdown on sexual assault in the military has led the Air Force to take a war documentary with scenes of nudity off the chief of staff’s reading list.

    The movie “Armadillo” follows Danish troops during a six-month deployment to Helmand province, Afghanistan. Before they deploy, they throw a farewell party in which a half-naked stripper gives some of them lap dances. Later, some troops watch pornography while downrange.

    After being contacted by two airmen about those scenes, the Air Force re-evaluated whether it should be recommended viewing said Lt. Col. Liesl Carter, director of the Air Force Chief of Staff Reading List.

    Like all of the films that are selected for the reading list, the movie went through a “rigorous” vetting process, but officials reconsidered including the film on the reading list in light of Hagel’s guidance on sexual assault, Carter said.

    Responding to a Defense Department report that found a sharp increase in inappropriate sexual contact last year, Hagel ordered defense officials to conduct inspections of workplaces “to ensure that our facilities promote an environment of dignity and respect for all members and are free from materials that create a degrading or offensive work environment.”

    Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh ordered similar health and welfare inspections last year that deemed offensive more than 32,000 items, including an Air Force Times cover showing female airmen breastfeeding.

    “In light of current [defense secretary] direction, moving forward our lens needs to look at all material that could possibly be offensive and to make that judgment of whether a disclaimer is appropriate enough or whether it is appropriate material for the chief of staff of the Air Force’s reading list,” Carter said.

    The movie officially came off the list May 13, she said. Welsh, who approved the initial recommendation to include the movie on the reading list, also approved taking it off.

    This is only the second year the reading list has included recommended movies, Carter said. In 2012, the list included the documentary “Restrepo,” about U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

    Based on feedback about the popularity of documentaries, Carter said the team went out looking for well-done movies. “They looked at the Oscars and they looked at the Cannes Film Festival to try to find some well-documented and award-winning films about war, and so that’s how they found ‘Armadillo,’” she said.

    The nudity is a small part of “Armadillo,” which looks at war through the eyes of troops on the ground whose job is to protect Afghan civilians from the Taliban. Like “Restrepo,” the movie is named after the troops’ base in Afghanistan.

    The movie neither justifies nor condemns the soldiers’ actions as they deal with the moral ambiguities of combat.

    Over the course of the film, the troops’ frustration grows as locals refuse to help them, Taliban fighters elude them, and their comrades are killed and wounded by roadside bombs.

    After one bomb attack severely maims one soldier, the group’s medic says he would have no qualms about shooting the Taliban.

    “I’d feel worse shooting a stray dog,” he says.

    Meanwhile the troops’ families are in a constant state of worry. Early on the film, one soldier called home and learned his mother had a bad fright when the phone rang in the middle of the night. It was a solicitation from India and they had forgotten about the time difference.

    The Danish troops spent much of the film searching locals’ homes for Taliban to no avail. But when the shooting started, you can hear the crack of the bullets as they whizzed pass the Danes.

    In the film’s climax, the troops get their revenge when they kill several Taliban. At the debriefing, one soldier said he and his fellow troops found four Taliban who had been wounded by a grenade.

    “We liquidated them in the most humane way possible,” he said.

    When one soldier’s mother heard about it, she contacted Danish officials. The unit felt betrayed.

    “Outsiders may sneer and say that we’re insane or that we did something terrible,” said the soldier who claimed to have shot the four Taliban. “I know I did the right thing. I know we all did the right thing.”
    Trailer :

    Nipples are really dangerous and nothing a healthy yanky soldier should know about
    With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

    Steven Weinberg

  • #2
    If Mods agree that this banning is absurd I would like to propose the showing of nipples be allowed in the Babe Thread.


    • #3
      Religious fundamentalists strike again.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dinner View Post
        Religious fundamentalists strike again.
        No. Sexual assault/harassment is the hot topic in the military right now.
        "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
        "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


        • #5
          Yeah because porn causes sexual assaults. Does anyone actually give a **** about the CSAF reading list anyway?

          The Air Force's response to its supposed sexual assault problem (which I strongly suspect is super overblown) has been rather hilarious. Look up the tech school teal rope program. Also the whole noseart crusade.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Al B. Sure! View Post
            No. Sexual assault/harassment is the hot topic in the military right now.
            Quite right, but please explain how this is connected to lap dances and soldiers watching porn.
            With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

            Steven Weinberg


            • #7
              It's not, just like nose art on airplanes isn't.


              • #8
                Dinner, you're the most ignorant jackass I know of that claims to be a veteran. Would be acceptable at any civilian business?
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BlackCat View Post
                  Quite right, but please explain how this is connected to lap dances and soldiers watching porn.
                  Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                  It's not, just like nose art on airplanes isn't.
                  It is, cadet. Not only is it unprofessional but it may offend people and lead to an uncomfortable work environment, hindering operational effectiveness.

                  MCO 1000.9A:

                  The following are examples of behavior that could create a hostile environment:

                  (a) Using sexually explicit or sexually offensive language;
                  (b) Displaying sexually-oriented posters or calendars;
                  (c) Giving someone unwelcome letters, cards, or gifts of a
                  personal nature, particularly when these items have sexual overtones;
                  (d) Applying unwanted or uninvited pressure for dates;
                  (e) Making offensive remarks about a person’s appearance, body, or
                  sexual activities.

                  A Marine Corps Times article from yesterday:

                  "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
                  "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


                  • #10
                    You can stop calling me cadet cause I'm not a cadet right now btw

                    Also it's hilarious that you're quoting regulations like the gospel of the lord.

                    Also uncomfortable work environment is different from sexual assault.

                    edit: actually I'm curious, is Alby calling me cadet as a way of making himself feel superior to me because he has a commission or because he's so motarded that he thinks he should be addressing people by rank even on an internet forum?
                    Last edited by regexcellent; May 21, 2013, 20:44.


                    • #11
                      Honestly, if "make me a sandwich" is the most uncomfortable thing about the Corps, the Corps probably isn't doing its job...
                      If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
                      ){ :|:& };:


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hauldren Collider View Post
                        Honestly, if "make me a sandwich" is the most uncomfortable thing about the Corps, the Corps probably isn't doing its job...
                        It's inappropriate, unprofessional, hinders unit cohesion which directly affects operational effectiveness, and is antithetical to the Corps' core value of honor.

                        Already at TBS and at OCS we received several classes, discussions, and EDG's (ethical decision games) about sexual harassment and sexual assault and yes, they are related. The command climate that condones sexual harassment will inevitably be plagued by sexual assault. This is an important issue and the Marine Corps takes it very seriously.
                        "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
                        "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


                        • #13
                          Oh god, in the 3rd week of ROTC we had a whole thing about sexual assault, I had to watch a feature length film basically at home but it came in 5-10 minute segments so I had to actually pay attention to it then answer questions at the end. Obviously I ran it muted in the background and just came back to it periodically to hit "continue" but it was still irritating. ****ing stupid, I know not to rape people.

                          Incidentally your post reads like it's copied verbatim from SHARP or whatever it's called.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                            Oh god, in the 3rd week of ROTC we had a whole thing about sexual assault, I had to watch a feature length film basically at home but it came in 5-10 minute segments so I had to actually pay attention to it then answer questions at the end. Obviously I ran it muted in the background and just came back to it periodically to hit "continue" but it was still irritating. ****ing stupid, I know not to rape people.
                            It's not about you knowing not to rape people. It's not even about making sure your Marines know not to rape people. It's about setting the tone so Marines are able to recognize sexual assault, develop the moral courage to prevent or report it, and be aware of the resources that exist (such as the SAPR rep) if they are a victim of sexual assault.

                            Let's not lose sight that sexual assault is not just a crime that takes place in a dark alley-way with a knife.
                            "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
                            "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                              Incidentally your post reads like it's copied verbatim from SHARP or whatever it's called.
                              SAPR: Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
                              "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
                              "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi

