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Your tax dollars at work

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  • Your tax dollars at work

    Should we make it more difficult to get disability checks?

  • #2
    Instead I think we should lift the ban on fox hunting.
    Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
    GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


    • #3
      I've had a few staff like that guy
      Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

      Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


      • #4
        I want disability to go to people who really have disabilities. OK, you're paraplegic or have no legs, sorry to hear it, ok, the government will help you to make sure you don't become homeless and that you have basic food to eat. If you want to be a 40 year old "baby" who ****s his diapers and doesn't want to keep working at home depot... Well, tough ****, starve to death. I'm even ok with giving food stamps to a crack whore with 12 kids because the kids have to eat even if mommy if a worthless piece of ****.

        I'm not ok with Abdul bringing his 40 cousins over from Afghanistan and all living on welfare because Abdul thinks it is awesome to live on welfare in America with 20 able bodied males in his 3 bedroom apartment none of whom want to work. Abdul, learn ****ing English, become employable and cultivate some sort of employable skill, get a job for minimum wage since you have no job skills, and pay for your own way along with your four wives and 20 kids. My personal take is if you move here then you get zero for life but if you were born here and need help then we'll help you for a very limited time frame after which you're on your own. I don't want welfare being a magnet for ****bags.

        If you want to go to school then that should be free so you can gain job skills but I'm sick and tired of seeing Nigerians and Afghans and Iraqis who have no desire to learn English or become employable with real job skills who want to sit around sucking up section 8 and welfare and AFDC and all sorts of other stuff with no intention of ever getting a job. That pisses me off.
        Last edited by Dinner; January 23, 2013, 06:03.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #5
          I pay a lot in taxes, more than 90%+ of Americans and I don't begrudge it as long I think it is being half way decently spent. When I see a ****bag who is obviously trying to work the system then that makes me mad and I want the system changed.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dinner View Post
            I pay a lot in taxes, more than 90%+ of Americans and I don't begrudge it as long I think it is being half way decently spent. When I see a ****bag who is obviously trying to work the system then that makes me mad and I want the system changed.

            Say this in Belgium and you're called a Nazi. Seriously.
            "Ceterum censeo Ben esse expellendum."


            • #7
              they might have stress disorders
              Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

              Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


              • #8
                Originally posted by dannubis View Post

                Say this in Belgium and you're called a Nazi. Seriously.
                Then there is something wrong with Belgium.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • #9

                  Yes, it is called the Parti Socialiste.
                  "Ceterum censeo Ben esse expellendum."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                    I want disability to go to people who really have disabilities. OK, you're paraplegic or have no legs, sorry to hear it, ok, the government will help you to make sure you don't become homeless and that you have basic food to eat. If you want to be a 40 year old "baby" who ****s his diapers and doesn't want to keep working at home depot... Well, tough ****, starve to death. I'm even ok with giving food stamps to a crack whore with 12 kids because the kids have to eat even if mommy if a worthless piece of ****.

                    I'm not ok with Abdul bringing his 40 cousins over from Afghanistan and all living on welfare because Abdul thinks it is awesome to live on welfare in America with 20 able bodied males in his 3 bedroom apartment none of whom want to work. Abdul, learn ****ing English, become employable and cultivate some sort of employable skill, get a job for minimum wage since you have no job skills, and pay for your own way along with your four wives and 20 kids. My personal take is if you move here then you get zero for life but if you were born here and need help then we'll help you for a very limited time frame after which you're on your own. I don't want welfare being a magnet for ****bags.

                    If you want to go to school then that should be free so you can gain job skills but I'm sick and tired of seeing Nigerians and Afghans and Iraqis who have no desire to learn English or become employable with real job skills who want to sit around sucking up section 8 and welfare and AFDC and all sorts of other stuff with no intention of ever getting a job. That pisses me off.

                    What the ****? Immigrants work hard as ****, especially Middle Eastern and African ones. You have lost your god damned mind, you racist piece of ****.

                    Your Abdul is probably a veterinarian or chemist in his country but is delivering pizzas here, jackass.
                    "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
                    "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Al B. Sure! View Post
                      What the ****? Immigrants work hard as ****, especially Middle Eastern and African ones. You have lost your god damned mind, you racist piece of ****.

                      Your Abdul is probably a veterinarian or chemist in his country but is delivering pizzas here, jackass.
                      His Abdul hails from Afghanistan and isn't even an Arab. Or he's a mythical arab from Afghanistan.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by gribbler View Post

                        Should we make it more difficult to get disability checks?
                        Worst camera work ever.
                        "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
                        'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


                        • #13
                          Since when are Bronies NOT disabled man children?
                          If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
                          ){ :|:& };:

