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Comrade Putin says: Gays kissing is icky!

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  • Comrade Putin says: Gays kissing is icky!

    ....and makes you liable for a $16,000 fine and jail time! Serves them gays right for being gay in public! With their gross icky gayness! MrFun should count his blessings.

    Russia moves to enact anti-gay law nationwide

    MOSCOW (AP) - Kissing his boyfriend during a protest in front of Russia's parliament earned Pavel Samburov 30 hours of detention and the equivalent of a $16 fine on a charge of "hooliganism." But if a bill that comes up for a first vote later this month becomes law, such a public kiss could be defined as illegal "homosexual propaganda" and bring a fine of up to $16,000.

    The legislation being pushed by the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church would make it illegal nationwide to provide minors with information that is defined as "propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality and transgenderism." It includes a ban on holding public events that promote gay rights. St. Petersburg and a number of other Russian cities already have similar laws on their books.

    The bill is part of an effort to promote traditional Russian values as opposed to Western liberalism, which the Kremlin and church see as corrupting Russian youth and by extension contributing to a wave of protest against President Vladimir Putin's rule.

    Samburov describes the anti-gay bill as part of a Kremlin crackdown on minorities of any kind - political and religious as well as sexual - designed to divert public attention from growing discontent with Putin's rule.

    The lanky and longhaired Samburov is the founder of the Rainbow Association, which unites gay activists throughout Russia. The gay rights group has joined anti-Putin marches in Moscow over the past year, its rainbow flag waving along with those of other opposition groups.

    Other laws that the Kremlin says are intended to protect young Russians have been hastily adopted in recent months, including some that allow banning and blocking web content and print publications that are deemed "extremist" or unfit for young audiences.

    Denis Volkov, a sociologist with the Levada Center, an independent pollster, says the anti-gay bill fits the "general logic" of a government intent on limiting various rights.

    But in this case, the move has been met mostly with either indifference or open enthusiasm by average Russians. Levada polls conducted last year show that almost two thirds of Russians find homosexuality "morally unacceptable and worth condemning." About half are against gay rallies and same-sex marriage; almost a third think homosexuality is the result of "a sickness or a psychological trauma," the Levada surveys show.

    Russia's widespread hostility to homosexuality is shared by the political and religious elite. Lawmakers have accused gays of decreasing Russia's already low birth rates and said they should be barred from government jobs, undergo forced medical treatment or be exiled. Orthodox activists criticized U.S. company PepsiCo for using a "gay" rainbow on cartons of its dairy products. An executive with a government-run television network said in a nationally televised talk show that gays should be prohibited from donating blood, sperm and organs for transplants, while after death their hearts should be burned or buried.


    In Russia, gays have been whipsawed by official pressure and persistent homophobia. There are no reliable estimates of how many gays and lesbians live in Russia, and only a few big cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg have gay nightclubs and gyms. Even there, gays do not feel secure.

    When a dozen masked men entered a Moscow night club during a "coming out party" that campaigner Samburov organized in October, he thought they were part of the show. But then one of the masked men yelled, "Have you ordered up a fight? Here you go!" The men overturned tables, smashed dishes and beat, kicked and sprayed mace at the five dozen men and women who had gathered at the gay-friendly Freedays club, Samburov and the club's administration said.

    Four club patrons were injured, including a young woman who got broken glass in her eye, police said. Although a police station was nearby, Samburov said, it took police officers half an hour to arrive. The attackers remain unidentified.

    On the next day, an Orthodox priest said he regretted that his religious role had not allowed him to participate in the beating.

    "Until this scum gets off of Russian land, I fully share the views of those who are trying to purge our motherland of it," Rev. Sergiy Rybko was quoted as saying by the Orthodoxy and World online magazine. "We either become a tolerant Western state where everything is allowed - and lose our Christianity and moral foundations - or we will be a Christian people who live in our God-protected land in purity and godliness."

    In other parts of Russia, gays feel even less secure. Bagaudin Abduljalilov moved to Moscow from Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim region in southern Russia where he says some gays have been beaten and had their hands cut off, sometimes by their own relatives, for bringing shame on their families.

    "You don't have any human rights down there," he said. "Anything can be done to you with impunity."

    Shortly before moving to Moscow, Abduljalilov left Islam to become a Protestant Christian, but was expelled from a seminary after telling the dean he was gay. He also has had trouble finding a job as a television journalist because of discrimination against people from Dagestan.

    "I love Russia, but I want another Russia," said Abduljalilov, 30, who now works as a clerk. "It's a pity I can't spend my life on creative projects instead of banging my head against the wall and repeating, 'I'm normal, I'm normal.'"

    What century is it in Russia again?
    If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
    ){ :|:& };:

  • #2
    Wow. Meet the new boss...same as the old boss....
    "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


    • #3
      It's always the 15th century in Russia.
      When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


      • #4
        Give them a break. They just discovered sock technology.
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • #5
          Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat View Post
          It's always the 15th century in Russia.
          quote of the month

          gays kissing in publis is icky - Putin is right
          Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

          Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


          • #6
            As someone who is straight, I happen to agree that it is icky, but I generally don't think things that are icky deserve jail time ipso facto.

            Originally posted by Asher View Post
            Give them a break. They just discovered sock technology.
            If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
            ){ :|:& };:


            • #7
              Putin goes too far sometimes...
              Last edited by Alexander's Horse; January 21, 2013, 18:03.
              Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

              Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


              • #8
                But he means well.
                “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                "Capitalism ho!"


                • #9
                  Meanwhile, in the West...

                  For 1st time, gay rights get shoutout in inaugural speech

                  When President Barack Obama noted “our gay brothers and sisters” and their struggle for civil rights in his inaugural speech on Monday, he was making history: He was the first president to cite the LGBT community during the keynote presidential address.

                  An NBC News review of past presidential inaugural speeches turned up no prior mentions of gays and lesbians, though Obama and former President Bill Clinton did note the struggle for gay rights -- primarily the bid to serve openly in the military -- in State of the Union speeches.

                  “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law. For if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well,” Obama said Monday.

                  The president’s comments drew praise from LGBT rights groups and advocates.

                  One, columnist Dan Savage, wrote: “Seneca Falls, Selma, Stonewall - thank you for that, Mr. President.”

                  Frez Sainz, of the Human Rights Campaign, said: “It’s a totally different game when the president of the United States is on your side … this president has said things about LGBT people that many of our own families are either not able or not willing to say.”

                  But Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, which has spearheaded votes banning gay marriage in many states, took exception to Obama linking the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City -- which launched the gay rights movement -- to the Selma voting rights march in the Civil Rights era.

                  “Same-sex marriage is not a civil right,” he said, noting that millions of Americans had voted to ban it. “To try and compare in any way the attempt to redefine marriage with the Civil Rights movement is simply false. I think that the president’s forgetting about the most important group affected by this and their civil rights and that’s children having the civil right to have both a mom and a dad.”

                  Obama has been incorporating LGBT issues more in his speeches and public addresses since he came out in support of same-sex marriage last May, Sainz said. He had used the “Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall” line in a May 14, 2012, address to graduating students at the Barnard College Commencement Ceremony in New York.

                  He has also cited gay rights in at least three State of the Union addresses: In 2010, he used it to launch his bid to repeal the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy under which openly-gay and lesbian members of the armed forces could be kicked out of the services because of their sexuality; and in 2011, he noted the ending of that policy in the coming year. In 2012, he again said sexuality was not a barrier to anyone serving in the military.

                  Follow @NBCNewsUS

                  Clinton made a single mention of the LGBT community in his 2000 State of the Union address, when he cited the Matthew Shepard case. Shephard, 21, was killed in Wyoming in October 1998 by two men who kidnapped him, beat him and left him tied to a split-rail fence because he was gay.

                  But Clinton, who shepherded “don’t ask, don’t tell” through Congress, did not mention the LGBT community in his inaugural speeches.

                  “We just weren’t at that point in history, we just weren’t there yet,” Sainz said, adding that “the president’s speech is definitely reflective of the times we are in.”

                  Those times include upcoming U.S. Supreme Court arguments over same-sex marriage and legislative battles in Illinois and Rhode Island over whether gays and lesbians can wed. The high court will also hear a case challenging a federal law that that bans providing benefits to federal workers whose spouses are of the same sex.

                  “The importance of those sentences (said by Obama) are that our fight is still very much ahead of us,” Sainz said.
                  "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                  Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                  • #10
                    "Until this scum gets off of Russian land, I fully share the views of those who are trying to purge our motherland of it," Rev. Sergiy Rybko was quoted as saying by the Orthodoxy and World online magazine. "We either become a tolerant Western state where everything is allowed - and lose our Christianity and moral foundations - or we will be a Christian people who live in our God-protected land in purity and godliness."
                    Christianity, a religion of peace? I don't think so.


                    • #11
                      Oh, I think religious belief in Russia is strong enough to survive a few gay people getting equal rights. I mean 70 years of communist attempts to eliminate all religion didn't kill it so a couple of gay guys not going to jail should certainly be something they can weather.
                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • #12
                        You're using logic, which isn't in a religious person's toolbox.


                        • #13
                          Is Putin the impetus behind the movment to represse gays, or is the motivation coming from elswhere?
                          "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                          • #14
                            The Hell? Russia is back in them same damned old dark ages. Tis a shame.


                            • #15
                              Not sure if intelligent spambot or new user.

                              My innate cynicism and historical priors lead me to the former conclusion, tentatively.

