SON OF A *****
I got to the third fight, used my boarding Rockmen to take out their weapons---and it turned into an AI with regenerating weapons, and the repeated power surges with mega lasers finally took me down once I had him down to 6 hull.
SON OF A ****ING *****.
This was with the stealth ship.
In retrospect, I should've sent my raiders to the shields rather than the weapons. GODDAMNIT.
I scrimped and saved and scrounged for every advantage I could manage. SON OF A WHORE.
I got to the third fight, used my boarding Rockmen to take out their weapons---and it turned into an AI with regenerating weapons, and the repeated power surges with mega lasers finally took me down once I had him down to 6 hull.
SON OF A ****ING *****.
This was with the stealth ship.
In retrospect, I should've sent my raiders to the shields rather than the weapons. GODDAMNIT.
I scrimped and saved and scrounged for every advantage I could manage. SON OF A WHORE.