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are u smarter than...

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  • are u smarter than...

    Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups in a 32-question survey of religious knowledge by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.

    The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is made up of 10 tests. but only four are used to see if you qualify to join the US military. Word Knowledge (WK), Paragraph Comprehension (PC), Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), and Mathematics Knowledge (MK) are used to compute your Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score. Our 24 sample questions cover just those areas. The real recruitment test has 105 questions.Are you smart enough to be a US Marine or Air Force pilot? Take our quiz.

    my score was 75% on the religion quiz. beat that if you can.
    What can make a nigga wanna fight a whole night club/Figure that he ought to maybe be a pimp simply 'cause he don't like love/What can make a nigga wanna achy, break all rules/In a book when it took a lot to get you hooked up to this volume/
    What can make a nigga wanna loose all faith in/Anything that he can't feel through his chest wit sensation

  • #2
    i got 24 correct on the mock armed forces test
    What can make a nigga wanna fight a whole night club/Figure that he ought to maybe be a pimp simply 'cause he don't like love/What can make a nigga wanna achy, break all rules/In a book when it took a lot to get you hooked up to this volume/
    What can make a nigga wanna loose all faith in/Anything that he can't feel through his chest wit sensation


    • #3
      100% on religious quiz.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #4
        I got 100% of them right so I am smarter than an atheist


        • #5
          100% on religion test as well. That was easy.
          If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
          ){ :|:& };:


          • #6
            29 on the religion one.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

