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I love Fox News!!!

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  • #46
    You know they already are.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #47
      love it too!!


      • #48
        Romney's up 47-45 in Gallup's first 2012 tracking poll. The incumbent hasn't trailed in the first iteration of this poll since Gerald Ford did so; Ford went on to lose the presidency to Jimmy Carter.


        • #49
          So polls are good predictors of the election outcome now?
          “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
          "Capitalism ho!"


          • #50
            No. I just thought it would be fun to post a reputable poll showing Romney ahead in a thread where Oerdin was swearing he could never catch up to Obama.


            • #51
              Bail set at $150G for George Zimmerman while he awaits trial in Trayvon Martin shooting death
              Originally posted by oblowhole

              Originally posted by IMPEACH_BOBO_THE_FLEABAGGER
              This video is the only proof you need to see to know Zimmerman was using SELF DEFENSE & Trayvon was nothing more than a PUNK ARSE THUG WHO GOT WHAT HE DESERVED !!!!!! Go to this link & watch the video : This is the video that the LAME STREAM MEDIA doesn't want us all to see but I say TOUGH SHlT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              Originally posted by vernon.willis
              Originally posted by bobinpa
              Originally posted by tacjam
              I grew up in the 80's and 90's...My schools were all pretty well racially_mixed. I didn't understand how deeply routed hatred for white people was ingrained and taught to all_blacks. During this incident, I have learned this, I will always look at African Americans with distrust, I will do the same as they do, why trust an entire race of people that have a deep seated hatred for me.
              I am very glad to hear that you have realized what has happened and the scope ofthe situation. All the Political Carrectness and Phoney "White Apologists KRAP" is finally being seen through for the Phoney garbage it is. This "TRAYTHUG" incident has shown the world who the "RACISTS" are. I am White, and I don't believe we owe those people ANYTHING. Look at our citys and the Filthy cesspools they have bee turned into. I have seen and heard enough of this Sympathy for so called minoritties. Enogh is enough.
              Originally posted by tatiana
              I heard Trayvon beat up a six year old, stole his skittles, punched a 15 year old girl in the face and stole her silver jewerly, and was out trying to score so crac.k for his momma and baby dadda before he came across Zimmerman, so likely Trayvon got what he deserved, case closed.. next.
              Originally posted by roadkillscooper
              Trayvon was out that night, trying to score a fix for his mother and her old man.
              Originally posted by firewatch
              the stupid pea brained/****** once again was s u c k e d in by the jew media....
              Originally posted by wyomoe
              MSNBC is still having Trayvons mother and "Step Father" on for interviews. I, for one, will boycott MSNBC sponsors and begin an email campaign to inform them (the sponsors) that as long as they support MSNBC I will not support them.
              Originally posted by iearnmyown
              B1acks have segregated themselves by their behavior and their refusal to work. They believe that learning is "white" and living within the parameters of society is for "suckas". YOU'VE segregated YOURSELVES and that's just the way you want it.
              Originally posted by harry.pelham
              Originally posted by Frank
              bIack on white crime stats have been suppressed for years. We are just fed up.
              Frank it sounds to me like Yo are being quite FRANK with the savages today??? lol!!!!
              Originally posted by Frank
              Originally posted by rocky.mcgillicuty
              Originally posted by Frank
              The essential point is that there are 10,000,000 _N e g r o e s here now and that the proportion of _m u l a t t o s to a thousand _bIacks has increased with alarming rapidity since 1850. According to all evidence available, then, American intelligence is declining, and will proceed with an accelerating rate as the racial admixture becomes more and more extensive. The decline of American intelligence will be more rapid than the decline of intelligence of European national groups, owing to the presence here of the _N e g r o. These are the plain, if somewhat ugly, facts that our study shows The deterioration of the American intelligence is not inevitable, however, if public action can be aroused to prevent it. There is no reason why legal steps should not be taken which would insure a continuously progressive upward evolution. The steps that should be taken to preserve or increase our present intellectual capacity must of course be dictated by science and not by political expediency.
              We still have the great white hope sickle cell animia
              and aids
              Originally posted by urnutz2
              it is really stupid for white people to get involved in this case. a messican k1lled a nlgger. GREAT. now let's fry the messican and everybody will be happy.
              Originally posted by mickeymacfox
              THE DRUDGE REPORT

              You won't see this story on the foxfag forum because they suck bIacks and gay 0bama all the way to the crack....
              Originally posted by CitizensKB
              Bl@cks will continue to be discriminated against until they stop being bl@ck. Every other race and ethnicity has historically weaved itself into the fabric of this country to overcome discrimination. The bl@ck community continues to wave the flag of discrimination and allow the existance of race preachers like Al Sharpton to their own detriment. This like so many other examples only furthers to keep bl@cks from integrating into the culture.
              Originally posted by Obammy_Is_Toast
              BIacks pretend to "care" about Trayvon......It's not about guilt or innocents for BIacks.....It's About their Hate of white people....Always has been...
              Originally posted by wyomoe
              What an astonishing mis-application of the Law and total disregard to personal freedoms! If that ****ing****** obama had not stuck his "chittlin eating" nose into this issue it would be done and over with.
              Originally posted by pantherhunter
              The only crime Zimmerman committed is littering a perfectly clean neighborhood with the dead body of a racist criminal thug ...
              Originally posted by iearnmyown
              Remember to get a couple of pairs of Air Jordan sneakers before the end of the trial. If the.coons are.dumb enough to riot outside of their own neighborhoods, just "bait the field" with the sneakers. The.coons will.kill each other to get them. You only have to.shoot the few that are left. It works!
              Originally posted by dl555
              Everyone in the_black community needs to make sure they have plenty of gasoline and matches, so that when Zimmerman is found not guilty, they can all burn their houses down.
              Last edited by loinburger; April 21, 2012, 21:36.
              <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


              • #52
                But I'm sure that the same types of things are being posted on the MSNBC and CNN comments sections.
                <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                • #53
                  I'm particularly amused by the ways they evade (what I presume to be) a mod or autocensor.
                  "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                  "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                  • #54
                    Wait, since when does anyone care about what people post in the comments? Also, that's like saying that you shouldn't read Harry Potter, since as a reader you are in bad company with other readers who write erotic fanfiction of Hermione getting sodomized over a desk by Snape.


                    • #55
                      What would be so bad about Alan Rickman nailing Emma Watson? As candidate for the office of OT President, I would attempt to see this made reality

                      President Asher would only promote his gay agenda by attempting to enact Dumbledore-Snape slash fics. On the other hand, this might need to be explored as a Ben-deterrence strategy, as he would probably spend so much time jacking off to it that he wouldn't have time to post. We may need a more nuanced approach...


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by loinburger View Post
                        But I'm sure that the same types of things are being posted on the MSNBC and CNN comments sections.
                        But the spelling and grammar would be better.
                        Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

                        ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


                        • #57
                          fox news has had a long run of avoiding a moderator or admin for a long time now, when we were in our wreck, they posted my kid's names (incorrectly) and ages along with a pic that they got from i don't even know where while we were in the hospital. the comments section was unreal...lots of people siding up with the drunk cop who was in our lane and landed us in the hospital and some of it was just awful (not much else to do but be on the computer when there is a bolt running through your leg securing you to a hospital bed lol...) none of the comments were ever acted on by fox that i know of. at least the other 2 major news stations around here made an attempt....of course since it is an archive to ancient history all comments have been removed now, but o well.

